Sunday, November 11, 2012

The Lonely Heartbreak of Blogging

I have spent far too much time giggling and messing with this, and I have other things on which to concentrate my giggling and messing-with efforts. So:

It's a shame a real composer didn't do it because buttershots lady deserves majesty and I am too bewildered by how awesome and in sync she is at 120bpm to get past thumping and some Spike Jones literalism. Her venom was such that I wanted to make her rant less ephemeral, so I figured I'd chop out the political content and BEHOLD it's about the thankless chore of rearranging pixels for an audience of uncaring fucks totally unlike YOU, gentle reader.


  1. I really want to say how awesomely magnificent this is, but I've shut my fucking account down.

  2. I'm going to open a Facebook account to like this there and I'm going to do nothing on YouTube.

  3. The bass part reminds me of "Let the Music Play," but that's not Shannon singing!

  4. Wow, she learned how to use the iNternet in ONLY A YEAR!

  5. Christmas came early! Butterscotch schapps eggnog, anyone?

  6. Gee, that sounds like something I want. RIGHT NOW.

  7. Nice. When I first heard that lady my first thought was "Is that Althouse?" Despite the potty mouth, anger and slurred words, the lack of Clenis references or claims to being a Democrat, makes me think that Ann is being extra careful to hide her identity.

  8. When I first heard that lady my first thought was "Is that Althouse?"

    Oh man.

  9. Seriously, who is this spunky buttershots lady?

  10. I want to send her fan mail but I want my video up too.

    It's a problem.

  11. Zoinks. Love the inhales. Smoke 'em if ya got 'em.

    Hours upon hours of Winston Ultras. Husky.

  12. She's just terrific for remixing purposes. Punchy delivery, regular cadence, enunciation and pauses.

    I have to say I scratched her voice up a little in mine.

    Anyone want the sound file I used?

  13. The cadence is great.

    I agree with Righteous Bubba: There needs to be a follow-up Namby-Pamby Pussies piece, with yet another set of iconic samples from the Rant. Btw, I thought the slices you used in THIS piece were excellent!

  14. She's so incredibly unpleasant it makes me consider giving up cussing.

    Also, a year to figger out the Internet? I'm not sure it took me an afternoon.

  15. Process as notes to myself: chop audio with Audacity. Slice samples with ReCycle. Compose with Reason. Export full sound file and solo vocal sound file. Trim sound files to start instantly. Play vocal sound file within Quartz Composer. Record resulting live output with Quicktime. Cut off initial frames of Quicktime movie except one right before motion. Use Quicktime 7 to add the full sound file to the movie.

  16. I need a nap just from reading that. Yow.

  17. I was laughing through every tedious step.


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