Thursday, October 4, 2012

The Glories of Yaletown

Every now and then there is a nice surprise in the city:

William hentai

Not that we flout standards at will. OH NO. Where socks are required, we INSIST you wear them.

Guy in a cooler hentai


  1. I don't see any bills there. But if somebody posts one, I ain't paying it...

  2., well, me... I wouldn't be worrying about my toes...

  3. Ok, that is hilarious but what is Stefon doing in the mix?

    1. Then again, if I weren't a moron I'd realize Stefon is played by BILL Hader.

  4. I wouldn't be worrying about my toes...

    Poor deformed man is too big for the sock I suppose.

  5. I am puzzled. You people are living in Canada, for feck's sake. What in the name of buggery do you need a "cryosauna" for? You already have Calgary.
    I described the concept to the Frau Doktorin and her Raynaud's Syndrome kicked in just from thinking about it.

  6. Calgary is a fucking breeze compared to most of Canada (and to a bunch of American places to the south of it): there's a warm wind that comes off the mountains and it can turn winter into spring in a day. It also seems to make people go crazy and vote Tory.

    Edmonton is 300km north and has no warming mountain winds.

  7. Yes, occasionally Calgary almost gets above freezing. You know, summer.

  8. Of course summer in Calgary is often a let-down: high altitude makes for cold nights. I recommend SOCKS.


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