Sunday, September 16, 2012


All hail our snaky saviours:
"Virgin birth" among animals may not be a rare, last-resort, save-the-species stopgap after all.

For the first time, animal mothers, specifically pit vipers, have been discovered spawning fatherless offspring in the wild. More to the point, the snakes did so even when perfectly good males were around.
Native GIMP on OS X. There's a zipped collection of plugins here. More over here.

Women are soulless whores until I dress them properly.

Nickelback have their own meme.

The bee was gonna retire by the weekend!
The parasite could be controlling the honeybees and making them abandon their hives—or perhaps the infected bees are "committing altruistic suicide" to protect their hive mates, said entomologist John Hafernik of San Francisco State University.

The looped sheep goes well with this:

Many clever GIFs to steal. I was trying to get at this sort of partially animated still with the bit from The Trip but my patience needs work and I should have made the middle post of the washing machine stay still on the Y axis.


  1. I don't get "soulless whores" so much as all people are props to him, and he prefers to work with ones who submit to that role. His work is nice enough, but I definitely get the sense that the people in them are mostly there to serve as prettily staged conglomerations of shapes and colors.

  2. The "dead on arrival" line got me there. The boys arrive full of some essence, the girls need to be filled with personality.

  3. But Elizabeth Hurley was the bad person here!!!
    You know, some bacteria are more interesting than people.

  4. my patience needs work
    and vice versa.

  5. I now realise how lucky I have been, never to have encountered the opinions of Rodney Smith before in my life. And now I have the pleasure of knowing that I never need encounter them again! Yay me!

  6. I now realise how lucky I have been, never to have encountered the opinions of Rodney Smith before in my life.

    Various manifestations of fashion are alien to me - I mean I try to keep this lobster on my head tilted properly - and yet it's ubiquitous. When I read things about it the idea seems to be to make everybody feel worse about everything. Also money.

  7. Obligatory musical accompaniment to any discussion involving parthenogenesis, doubling as Smut bait.

    You know, some bacteria are more interesting than people.

    You sound like some kind of microbiologist or something...

  8. I mean I try to keep this lobster on my head tilted properly

    Is your lobster named Thibault?

  9. any discussion involving parthenogenesis

    Giving birth to the Parthenon sounds painful.


  10. Worst advertisement for Virgin Air EVAH.

  11. any discussion involving parthenogenesis

    Giving birth to the Parthenon sounds painful.

    Silly Smutty is silly. It is simply Phil Collins' band playing in Greece.


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