Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Girl Group Dolly

Going through the library for the unheard stuff...and here we are in D and E:

There's an iffy production decision in the backups in the chorus - I mean yikes - but in an alternate reality Dolly got signed by Motown.



  1. Clearly a case of Darwinian survival of the funkiest...

  2. I recommend playing the 2nd and the 4th at the same time.

  3. Well, heck, in an alternate reality I kept my guitar, dropped out of school and joined the Mekons.

    I mean, I'd still be broke, but I would be in the Mekons.

    You get a LOL for the Dolly.

  4. You would not believe how much Dean Martin I'm slogging through.

  5. my LP-digitizing effort finished up in the Cs and Ds. A couple of times I could be heard whining "how the FUCK did I wind up with so many Phil Collins albums?"

  6. I lost most of my albums in a flood, which given the amount of useless crap I have in my place was probably a good thing.

    Still got this which goes really well with Negativland.

  7. ooo, I love Negativland. Even have an original issue "Dispepsi" before Pepsi landed on them with New York Law Firm.


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