Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Distraction and Blegging

Work is very distracting.

Anyone know a cheap and easy database that's good at automatically gathering information, can contain both text and files, and can serve them up safely on a website? All I can think of at the moment is Filemaker.


  1. Mongo. Fairly easy to put up, uses a binary form of JSON they call BiSON and handles any kind of data - it's called a document database but in Mondo a 'document' is any bit of data. It's easy to sort and has a fairly clean API. Plus, it's free and has a large community that will provide support.

    If you don't wanna do MySQL it might be a good answer...

  2. With luck I don't have to think about this, but in a pinch I will, and in that case I don't much like any SQL-flavoured stuff (or at least I want it hidden). So thanks, I'll check it out.

  3. How hard have you looked at Evernote? Perhaps in conjunction with IFTTT?

    I wish I could offer you more words of experience, but from the brief looks I've given both, I thought it worth throwing the idea(s) out there.

  4. (dummy)

    Sorry. Forgot to tick the "email follow-up" box on prev.


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