Monday, August 20, 2012

What a Difference Two Hours and Forty Minutes Make

One crazy nitwit:
Polarized News, For Better and Worse
By Stanley Kurtz
August 20, 2012 10:37 A.M.

Newsweek’s cover shocker feels like desperate cry from a dying icon. The magazine long ago discredited itself as a common national source for news, taking leftist opinion-reporting to unprecedented extremes. This brief reversal will be too little, too late for conservatives, merely confirming that Newsweek has lost its bearings. General interest news magazines are so much a thing of the past that serial partisanship is what passes for neutrality now.
A second crazy nitwit:
The Stupids Step In It
By Michael Walsh
August 20, 2012 1:18 P.M.

Honestly . . . just when Newsweek hands the conservative movement a major victory in the MSM wars, along comes Todd Akin to throw the Left a life jacket and change the course of the conversation.
Newsweek is truly a magazine for everyone.


  1. Stepping on your own cock doesn't take all that much time. Also too Fergusson's baloney has been hit out of the park by Yglesias of all people.

  2. I wonder what "taking leftist opinion-reporting to unprecedented extremes" meant. Did Tina Brown urge readers to behead the fatcat bosses?

  3. I'll be darned:

    A Newsweek spokesman confirmed to Politico, as Krugman suspected, that the magazine does not have a fact-checking department: "We, like other news organisations today, rely on our writers to submit factually accurate material."

  4. the magazine does not have a fact-checking department

    "Such a department would be incompatible with our goal of publishing contributions from a wide range of political viewpoints."

  5. "We, like other news organisations today, rely on our writers to submit factually accurate material."

    Or to put it another way... "We, the journal editors, contribute nothing. We are charging you for access to the writers' semi-coherent blog-posts."

  6. The policies of the American Political Right are so toxic and so antithetical to the well being of the population that it has become utterly impossible to defend them without resorting to lies and misrepresentations. They are a wholly owned subsidiary of the plutocracy and their every political and legislative goal is dedicated to the upward redistribution of wealth.

    "I want to let you die in poverty and sickness in order that a very few very wealthy people might have a few more dollars" is simply not a popular political message, and the lengths they are willing to go to try to obfuscate their increasingly obvious ideological goals is frightening...

  7. "I want to let you die in poverty and sickness in order that a very few very wealthy people might have a few more dollars"

    where "a few more dollars" = "enough money to fund every liberal nanny state dream, and send humanity to the stars".

    Over at LGM, there was a discussion about one of the less-talked-about Koch brothers who built himself a full size toy western town, accurate and functional in every detail. For himself and his few friends; nobody will ever live there, or view it as a museum, or farm the fields or graze the lands...

    as a ballpark estimate, I would figure he spent 200 million dollars on it. And it's got a guard at the front gate to make sure undesireables and moochers do not taint his achievement; which, of course, in true John Galtian fashion, he actually did NOT build himself. He cut the checks; architects and historians and contractors actually built it.

    Meanwhile our infrastructure crumbles and our citizens die of preventable health causes.

    These fuckers need to be taxed at 105%.

  8. Yowser Fallows smacked Fergusson around a bit more there. His jobs recovery graph kinda sinks Ferg with a torpedo up the wazoo, don't it>
    Thanks Thundra.
    I have tried to watch Fergussons Ascent of money" but masturbation is not such a good spectator sport when it's money they get off on.

  9. I used to read Newsweek: it wasn't leftist.

  10. Knights who say NiallAugust 21, 2012 at 4:38 AM

    "Such a department would be incompatible with our goal of publishing contributions from a wide range of political viewpoints."

    I'm guessing they had a fact checking department at one time, and so were considered a left leaning magazine. But in order to accomodate a move to the right the fact checking department had to go.

  11. along comes Todd Akin to throw the Left a life jacket and change the course of the conversation.

    Yeah, Todd Akin is a deep-cover lefty using some serious Alinsky tactics.

  12. But in order to accomodate a move to the right the fact checking department had to go.

    Also, Bill Koch's toy town needed brass spittoons.

  13. Newsweek is truly a magazine for everyone.
    And therefore read by no one.


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