Friday, August 24, 2012

Black Humorism

Nicholas Eberstadt is outraged at the lack of bloodthirsty monsters in Norway:
Norway’s one-man Rassenreinheitseinsatzgruppe (Google translate it), Anders Behring Breivik, was just given the maximum for his crime in Norway: 21 years.

That’s right: 77 murders (mainly at a summer camp for immigrant children), 21 years.

The demographer in me has to do the arithmetic: This works out to less than 100 days per murder. That’s right: less than a summer per murder.
Bloodthirsty monster Mark Krikorian:
Nick: It’s not much consolation, but the Norway mass murderer (whose name, like the names the Sikh temple shooter or Gabby Giffords’s shooter or the Batman shooter, should be repeated as little as possible, since public exposure is what they crave) will likely spend the rest of his life in prison, since Norway apparently has “preventive detention” after a sentence has been completed. Though, of course, “the rest of his life” should last only until the authorities finish preparing the gas chamber or the gallows.
Or the skullcrusher or chestsmasher or what have you. We can argue about favoured methods of death all day! But here it gets weird:

But “Rassenreinheitseinsatzgrupp” isn’t the right epithet in this case. I have no doubt the creep hates foreigners, but the site of his crimes was not “a summer camp for immigrant children” nor were the victims mainly “immigrant children” — it was a camp for the socialist youth organization, and only a handful of the dead were of non-Norwegian origin. The names of the 77 victims, which should be publicized whenever possible, are listed here.

The absurd sentence did not stem from the fact that Norway “evaluate[s] its own immigrant children’s lost lives as being worth so very, very little.” Rather, Norway, like the rest of the developed world, has become so decadent that it can no longer take the vigorous measures any society needs to defend itself. A self-confident society that wasn’t apologizing for its ancestors and guilty about it success would, in an orderly, law-based fashion, put this fiend to death. He’s laughing all the way to the jailhouse.

Would that I had a komikal kwip to go with this but I don't because what I read there - Krikorian being the lead writer on the Mexican Menace and next in line for Derbyshire-style firing - is Dead Brown People = White Children Saved.

I honestly feel soiled for reading and writing the above. Is it me? Might vigorous defense of a society self-confident in its ancestry mean puppies and cotton candy for everyone?


  1.'s always a tricky thing, balancing immigrant children vs socialist children... how many and which are the result of legitimate rape?

  2. At least we can agree that every sperm is sacred.

  3. It is a whole nest of suckitude there. Eberstadt blows his load all over the thing without the encumbrance of knowing anything about it and Krikorian, in the face of people who do know more than jackshit, has to hold his pal's hand and console him with "it's all the decadent preverts, Murikins wouldda kilt the EBBUL ONE". Thus proving their innate cultural superiority, I'm guessing.
    Exceptionalism, thy name is ignorance.

  4. Yes, putting him to death would certainly produce the kind of safe movie theaters, schools, and post offices we have here in America.

  5. It’s not much consolation, but the Norway mass murderer (whose name, like the names the Sikh temple shooter or Gabby Giffords’s shooter or the Batman shooter, should be repeated as little as possible, since public exposure is what they crave)

    And such exposure would reveal the fact that they are all right-wing lunatics.

    Rather, Norway, like the rest of the developed world, has become so decadent that it can no longer take the vigorous measures any society needs to defend itself.

    Perp's incarcerated, country's defended.

    A self-confident society that wasn’t apologizing for its ancestors and guilty about it success would, in an orderly, law-based fashion, put this fiend to death.

    It really boils down to bloodlust, doesn't it? I look forward to Krikorian's article about Saudi Arabia's moral superiority to Norway. Fucking monster.

  6. A self-confident society that wasn’t apologizing for its ancestors and guilty about it success would, in an orderly, law-based fashion, put this fiend to death.
    Retrospectively changing the laws...

    The Norwegians are sufficiently self-confident -- what with enjoying a quality of life and an expectancy of life whereof Americans can only dream -- to not give two tugs on a dead dingo's dick about Mr Kirkorian's opinion, any more than they care about the collective opinion of America as a whole.

  7. Norway’s one-man Rassenreinheitseinsatzgruppe (Google translate it)

    Do you think that Mr Eberstadt is aware that the native language in Norway is not actually German? Nor do they have a strong cultural tie to Nazism?

  8. What about the heroic and beloved Quisling?

  9. Well,yes.

    A culture that has evolved to the point where it no longer feels the need to slaughter its own citizens in Biblical retribution should be ashamed, and look to the enlightened and mature policies of the American Political Right for guidance.


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