Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Andrew Breitbart is DEAD DEAD DEAD.

The first version of that was 32 megabytes. It still kind of sucks, but I think I'm getting the idea after the smackdown I gave myself over here.


Most of the good GIFs from the post mentioned above came from here. I like him.


  1. Did you know you can push it off the post so that it disappears and you have to refresh the page to get it back?

  2. Because Google sites has a funny way of holding GIFs I copy tags from one post to the next. So no, I didn't mean to add the draggy bit, but it was there in the last tag. Should have the old rollover too, which remains true.

  3. I think Subby is pulling a hypnotoad on us with his hypnotic graphics. If we stare hard enough, we'll never leave his blog! And that's just what he wants!

  4. Yes, he is nefarious.

    And goatse's got something to do with it.

  5. I guess it is nice. It doesn't really look like a cuttlefish anymore though.

  6. If we stare hard enough, we'll never leave his blog! And that's just what he wants!

    At least he only uses his powers for good.

  7. At least he only uses his powers for good.

    Are we talking about the same guy here? Substance "gratuitous goatse" McGravitas?

  8. GRATUITY goatse. You guys want 'em and I give 'em out for free!

  9. Made the cube more ghostly. Possibly hypno eyes at some point in the future.


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