Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Hurting Your Computer

Poor you. Poor Granny.

Andrew Breitbart is DEAD DEAD DEAD.

No Firefox, I do not want the goddamned smooth scroll turned on in your fucking update thank you.


  1. That's hopping granny, doing somersaults of joy, right?

  2. It looks like the part they always have on "How it's Made" where they dump a bunch of stuff in a great big vat and turn on the mixer-upper...

  3. as wiley once pointed out, you can drag that horror right off the active part of the page.

  4. I had a coloured blender granny who'd swirl up into a red mush but I couldn't figure out how to drop the file size. I think I have some better strategies now, although this is a big'un.

  5. Ha. My computer didn't feel a thing.

  6. Maybe it'll crash Bouffant or the zombie. 60 layers!

  7. you wish.

    I haven't had the Firefox freeze issue since disabling Flashblock. It may not do much, but it did enough, apparently.

  8. That is just so weird. I typically load every site in the blogroll at once in multiple tabs and never have a problem.

  9. Worse than the time Mary Hart's voice gave me epilepsy.


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