Friday, June 22, 2012

Architects vs. Sexiness

A piece from an auction featuring work by architects:

Pick up chicks with blocks and bricks.

Speaking for myself I am frightened of the brick-wielding chicks after that one time.


  1. Nice to see starchitects give enough of a shit to submit a scribble. I'm looking at YOU, Gehry.

  2. I guess the email asking for one of my kitteh pictures got missed in the Spam folder.

  3. Thidwick the Big-Hearted Moose is an excellent example of green architecture but not a very long-lasting one.

  4. Pang Pang???

    His Swedish rifle seems to have a Filipino accent...

  5. an excellent example of green architecture but not a very long-lasting one
    The greenest architecture collapses almost immediately.

  6. You have great, discerning taste. That's a gorgeous graphic. When I'm in my new abode, I may need to buy one of those prints.


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