Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Unfortunate Word Choices

Mr Brooks said he had been used as a "scapegoat" to "ratchet up the pressure" on his wife, who he claimed was the victim of a "witch-hunt".

Mrs Brooks was editor of the News of the World (NoW) when voicemails on murdered schoolgirl Milly Dowler's mobile phone were allegedly intercepted.


  1. I am waiting for the complaints that her privacy has been invaded.

  2. Sometimes a witch-hunt is just a witch-hunt.

  3. Can't be arsed looking up the records to see whether Brooks was editing News of the World back when they instigated a campaign against anyone with a sex offense on their record (the one that resulted in attacks on pediatricians).

    IIRC it was Brooks' successor Coulson who introduced the phrase "privacy is for pedophiles". And, apparently, ex-NotW editors.

  4. It's not a real witch hunt until they bring out the duck and scales.

  5. i certainly hope mr brooks is not surprised by this news...surely he knew what an evil twunt she was when he met her...also, too...are they going to throw her in a pond to see if she floats?

  6. Image Suggestion for your post.

    That's a handy one to have around in any circumstance.

  7. What's all this about a Barf-o-mat?


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