Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Time-Killing and Sniffles

Home sick today, and as I was clearing out old files I found an old version of Unity, a game-design program. As with Daz 3D and Bryce Unity now has a free license; it's less functional than the full version, but it lets you do some interesting things (with a big learning curve involving scripting), the idea being that you might also want to buy content from their online store.

It ships with a playable and exportable shooting game - you can turn it into an .exe or .app - so you can get a look at how things are built, which is kind of fun. Other than that game and other demos you can find elsewhere you have to import stuff into it to use it (it'll take various kinds of 3D objects and images and sounds from every other program I mention in this post). Figuring out how to wrap 3D objects is not something I have a handle on, so maybe I'll learn. I think I may try to have my little shooting guy in the provided game have a Santorum Gun. Runs on Macs and Windows, and compared to Daz (character models) and Bryce (environments) it's a comparatively zippy little program on my underpowered second-hand machines. The interface is good compared to the other programs, although "better than Blender" is not really that much of an endorsement. Still, the documentation is clear and the process of GETTING the thing was easy in comparison to the weirdness of trying to get Bryce and Daz.


  1. I have a sad now that I never got around to merging Santorum's face with the DOOM imp, back when he was still relevant

  2. Hunting Palin chickens would be so awesome.

  3. Here we see the ubiquity of liberal eliminationism.

  4. merging Santorum's face with the DOOM imp

    He kind of has that body type and the specific poses of the imp seem weirdly appropriate for him. And somehow he is still relevant.

  5. So, Callista Gingrich DOOM is coming in the near future?

  6. ...trip to Victoria coming up - keep your germs away from the airport! (and, of course, get well...)

  7. I assume a Santorum gun is a gun that shoots a stream of Santorum (Duh), kinda like Mace but...Frothier.

    So here's what'd be fun: The gun only holds so much Santorum. But there's little puddles of Santorum here and there around the level. In order to obtain enough Santorum to shoot your way to the next level, you need to find the puddles and kind of scoop up the Santorum and re-fill your gun. Possibly using a funnel constructed from Goatse...


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