Friday, May 25, 2012

Kill Everything

I think I may have hurt my ears this morning listening to this over and over again.

Trolling continues:


  1. Neat video. It feels a little hypnotic after a bit. And the song is really heavy, but not off-putting.


    Die Kreuzen this weekend, you know. A friend is mixing them, and jay Tiller from Couch Flambeau filing in on guitar.

  3. perhaps Mr. Tiller will also be FILLING in on guitar.

    But really, with the guy who wrote "We'll Go Through The windshield Together", who can tell?

  4. Neat video. It feels a little hypnotic after a bit. And the song is really heavy, but not off-putting.

    It's nice that it sounds like it could be the most awful subject matter ever - heavy metal lends itself to fascism very well - but it's about peace or something? If you want a picture of the future, imagine a hippie offering you a flower - FOREVER.

  5. jay Tiller from Couch Flambeau

    I think I once had him playing in my basement. At the time I was experimenting with this insane biamping set-up that would produce distorted overtones that were simply WRONG.

    He liked it.

  6. Die Kreuzen this weekend, you know.
    Pshaw. Dimmer tonight at the Bar Bodega.
    Earplugs, I have them.

  7. Wait.

    They have guitars on Mars?

  8. Snort:Substance, I apologize for giving you the willies. It was just a guess. If I was really some sort of spook making notes, would I have given it away like that? But let me ask you a question: why do you find it odd that your position is so obviously self-interested?

  9. Another, well informed commentator on Subby's thread. Common sense says that the marxist was probably born in Hawaii. Every other scenario strains credulity.
    Common sense tells us that this person is too stupid to write and has voice recognition software that has misheard: "Mooommm I'm out of Vaseline!!""

  10. Thanks for reminding me to grab plugs, smut.

    Die kreuzen will be loud o yes they will.

    Fortunately Scary Joe will be mixing and he is a clean mixer, although the snare tends to rip faces off.

  11. Why don't you unchain that federal job and work at a job where your capricious boss can fire you in a fit of pique, or the Board of Directors can determine that each shareholder would get an extra two cents if you and 9,999 of your peers gets shit-canned? Huh?

  12. What's interesting is that I haven't had a problem posting a response unless it had a link. My post letting Buddy know I was not a federal worker has disappeared.

  13. I have been curious as to when working a 'federal job' - like mailmen, police, teachers, and politicians- became not a real job?

    Especially politicians. As much as they decry federal jobs as 'not real' jobs, they sure are desperate to obtain one.


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