Thursday, April 5, 2012


The first big OS X malware attack arrives via Java.

That's a pretty big deal. I'll check the aging machines when I get home, but Firefox and NoScript and Flashblock and Adblock Plus is a pretty good combo. News I've seen is unclear, but the bad bug seems to like Safari: don't use that, silly person.


Clean, thank you.


  1. You proprietary OS guys oughta be pissed about this. Oracle patched the vulnerability a LONG time ago and Apple never bothered to roll the patch into its OS updates.

    Way to care for your users, Apple...

  2. The weird thing to me is that if true, this sounds like the worst malware problem Mac OS X has ever seen — yet there doesn’t seem to be any hysterical media coverage about it.

    Apple stock is the reason people don't notice all the big money heading for the exits, just as everyone proclaims 'ongoing recovery' re: the economy.

  3. Sez the woman with the zombie 'puter...

  4. ...good thing we don't use our Mac OS X server for anything meaningful

  5. clean here too.

    It is unpossible that the danger is overblown, is it not?

  6. I don't think it's overblown if it's coming from Gruber.

  7. Exciting! I've always been jealous of the fun malware times that Windows users get to enjoy.


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