Friday, April 27, 2012

In Celebration

Don Surber:
After 7 years of blogging, I am quitting. I am exhausted. It was simply too much work. I am still employed by the Charleston Daily Mail and still writing editorial and columns and performing the sundry other tasks that go with any job.

Blogging was something extra. I loved blogging because I came in contact with readers directly. But over the past few months I realized I cannot continue doing both. I ain’t Superman.
Close enough:

Don Surber

This site is just full of silly things to appropriate.


  1. Aw, no more hillbilly wisdom on the innertoobz!

  2. I ain’t Superman.

    Surberman just doesn't have the same ring to it.

    I think he wore himself out rogering car tailpipes.

  3. All that constructing straw men takes it out of a fellow.

  4. Maybe it was all the leaping to conclusions.

  5. I am no anatomist but I know from muscle groups and that gif just makes my arse bleed.

  6. Truth, Justice & The American Way 1,
    Cretinous Crackers Zeee-ROH!!


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