Saturday, March 17, 2012

Time Killer

Boy, transferring files with the Apple Migration Assistant over wireless takes for-fucking-ever. So let's see if this video will last:

When I am prevented from completely wasting my time I partially waste it tapping a mouse to get the beats per minute for mp3s with a script from Blacktree. And then I waste my time seeing if I can stick any of them together. Here are some counted songs:

Tentacles underwear and, um, jello.  Sure.


  1. yeah, last time I tried wireless migration, I balked at teh 19 hours it thought it would take and went to get a Firewire cable....

  2. It also lied to me. Apple's programs are normally pretty good with time estimates, but it would move on to some other process and the estimate would vary by hours.

    Nevertheless, done, and hitch-free so far.

  3. BWAHAHAHA! Dio.

    You always have the greatest playlists.

    The song is awesome. The accompanying image makes me ill. Substance giveth and he maketh wanteth to barfeth.

  4. I am pretty sure that Dio is one of the greatest power ballads ever written. And if it isn't it's over real quick.

  5. Ha! True. I think my favorite Tenacious D song is "Tribute."

  6. Penguin Cafe Orchestra, yay!

    Video seems like it's saying to Newt to "make me proud," which doesn't rightly fit the bias seen previously in these pages... whuzzup?

  7. It's part of the whole "posting disgusting things" aesthetic. I did feel kinda bad about what I did to the Toussaint thing.

    Maybe the Penguin Cafe Orchestra bit would go with the 50 Cent thing. But I should really get on the XTC. Good for chopping up.

  8. Let the world know that I say THING a lot.

  9. Try "deal." Or "joint," like the kids used to say.

    Granny again hopping in time to the tune.

    Doesn't the clicking thing get to you?

    Video seems like it's saying to Newt to "make me proud," which doesn't rightly fit the bias seen previously in these pages... whuzzup?
    They said the same thing to ne about this. (Esp. w/ the sound off).

  10. Let the world know that I say THING a lot.

    It's kind of your thing.

  11. Doesn't the clicking thing get to you?

    The way it works is that you tap and as the thing figures out your tapping rate the BPM count kinda solidifies, so you feel like it's a measure of competence to tap to the beat consistently enough to get a number that the program likes.

    The real payoff, though, is getting songs next to each other for fucking up, like Sweet Soul Sister and, uh, Tom Sawyer... Yeah.


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