Friday, March 2, 2012

Everything Nice

Me: Who do I love? YOU.
The Lovely Daughter: Even when I'm beatboxing?
M: Especially when you're beatboxing.

Note that the video above is not the lovely daughter beatboxing.



  1. ROFL!

    It's good of you love her EVEN when she's beatboxing.

  2. Note that the video above is not the lovely daughter beatboxing

    Dur! No cat make-up!

  3. BTW, how come when *I* go out in cat make-up everybody looks at me funny? Ageism!

    Oh, I am not even DRINKING yet.

  4. Smut I'm not REALLY a cat. Im just a moody, solitary creature who throws up a lot.

  5. You missed out on her marsupial Purim* costume. I got to call her Kangarubenstein.

    *I haven't got a fucking clue what Purim is about, but The Lovely Daughter is a fan of Moishe Oofnik.

  6. I got to call her Kangarubenstein

    That is awesome.

    I don't know anything about Purim either, but I'm comfortable saying it has nothing to do with Kangaroo costumes.

  7. Purim!

    It's a holiday!

    It's a laundry detergent!

    Let's drink some wine!


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