Saturday, February 25, 2012

Twitter: Objectively Unconnected to Thoughts or Words or Deeds

Former National Review Online editor and current editor-at-large Kathryn Jean Lopez:
Sin and death is a daily struggle but as long as we remember Christ never leaves us alone, as formidable of daily life may seem, He does not leave us to live it without Him. Offering him every thought, Word, deed, and tweet, we can be His light.
Praise for the Lord in tweets pictured below:


  1. WTF "His light"? On his bike or somethin'. Fuck that for a game of checkers.
    While it is nice to magine a kind and helpful Jeebus sitting on your shoulder keeping you from harm, I do not think that it works that way.
    Also I don't and do not intend to, tweet. Will I get the budget heaven? UNFAIR.

  2. "@ some point doesn't f-ing seem a complete waste of 2 syllables?"

    No way pomes like "Evidently Chickentown" are going scan without those two syllables.

  3. I think there should be one Janus-enlightened place where those can be found.

  4. Santorum attracts human flies like shit on bread. K-Lo buzzed right on in.

  5. Ftr Sn Hly Gst, 2 many dishes left from last nite dinner #firstworldproblems

    Our Ftr, R above, hallowed - Y I run out of dish soap now? #fml

    Praise 2 Almighty, RT @housetips2012 Try shampoo instead.

  6. @housetips2012 OMG, now my dishes smell liek hair! OMG! Amen.

  7. Ahh, the voices in the machine.

    I await K-Lo's philosophical discussion with bated breath.

  8. She's like a character in a Stephen King novel.

  9. Dammit.

    Jesus won't leave me alone. Christ, Christ. Gimme a break here. C'mon, stop it! Don't you have some other place to be?

    That's it. I'm telling. HOLY GHOST!!! Jesus is bugging me! He won't leave me alone!!!

  10. And then Jesus just turns around a little to show the second face. You'd better not make him mad enough to show the third.

  11. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Goatse?

    Yikes. Now I've frightened myself...

  12. The Lord could make a mustard work ten out of ten times. Therefore that tweet is not sufficiently God-a-Tronic.

  13. Also I don't and do not intend to, tweet.

    Kiwi is being un-holy.

    Best Twitcronym: JMJ (Jesus, Mary & Joseph!)

  14. Jesus can make mustard into mayo, you know, but it's just not as popular at parties.

  15. K-Lo tweeted Mass. I think that's a sin. What happened to keeping your mind on God at all times? How else are you going to get rid of those naughty thoughts? Why doesn't K-Lo love God as much as she loves social media?

  16. I like that blog posts are exempt from doing the Lord's work.


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