Monday, February 27, 2012

This I Did Not Know

Apparently I am a maniac in good standing:

I am tempted to write a resignation letter liberally spiced with JanusNode.


  1. You should demand a refund for last year's membership fee.

  2. a resignation letter liberally spiced with JanusNode.

    And cilantro.

  3. Pro-li, huh? Always had you pegged as an Asian-hugger.

  4. Wait a minute, Buster!

    Is this your subtle way of telling us that "Substance McGravitas" is your real name?!?

  5. Good god, it does say "Dear Substance"! Pro-lifers for Jebus would not get that wrong.

  6. It makes me want to choose a more disgusting name.

  7. Ah. One of my favorite stories from the New Guild student housing co-op, was a comrage who used the name "Gullible T. Occupant. He would read series of letters that started out formal, "Mr. Occupant," and then, when the sender felt more familiar, he would be addressed as "Gullible".

  8. comraDe.

    We did not have "comrages". We were a pretty mellow bunch.

  9. A friend's roommate published a very entertaining array of mail sent to him in some fanzine - maybe Bananafish? He'd sign up for anything and everything under a new name, and he had a natural JanusNodal mind. Alas the only name I can remember right now is (I think) H. Cuntalinguishy.

  10. if you get them to click on a goatse link, you win the internozzles for a WEEK.

  11. Next stop is Philadelphia in April. I hope that Die Kreuzen show is great.

  12. teh drummer painted a house I designed, before he got married and moved to Amsterdam.

    That sounds like bullshit, doesn't it?

  13. I am subtly name-dropping Neil Hamburger on a competing site.


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  15. Hmm, now that I think of it, it's entirely possible my drummer painted Neil Hamburger.


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