Monday, February 20, 2012


Hello, I am Newt Gingrich and I am walking for president.

He looks so happy. Run don't walk, Newt!

Full-size Newt just so you can get a clearer look at his happy face:

Hello, I am Newt Gingrich and I am walking for president.


  1. That' FUNNY. What sheer genius to make Newt Gingrich laughable! It is rare!

  2. It made me laugh. Wouldn't have worked without that happy grin in profile. It is surprisingly hard to get a goofy Newt in profile, while angry Newt staring you down is a dime a dozen.

  3. "Would YOU like to come and live on the moon with me. And be my slave?"

  4. It's always a happy day when you come out as a, scaly?

  5. Well, I reduced the scaliness on his belly to make Newt a little more newty. DIDN'T YOU NOTICE?!?!?!?

  6. But he's not slimy. Newts may not be slimy, but Newt sure is.

    Aren't your readers a pain in the ass?

  7. I reduced the scaliness on his belly to make Newt a little more newty.

    That is the kind of attention to detail that we have come to dearly respect from this establishment. Except for that whole bloody robe debacle.


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