Sunday, February 19, 2012

It's All in the Headline

This is not the way I would start an item in defense of my boss.

Depending on the boss.


  1. Hokay, I'm totally clear on the description of Breitbart as a "Festering Boil". In fact, if anything, it is an insult to festering boils across the globe.

    But I must confess to a bit of confusion when confronted with "Public Discourse" being described as an Anus. Or perhaps, as HAVING an Anus. And well, if Big Breitbart is actually PART of public discourse, he is definitely the smelly end where the shit comes out, so now that I parse it again (it is, after all, a twittertwat, limiting it to just enough information density to obfuscate rather than clarify), I can see where the description is not of Public Discourse in general, but rather the unpleasant and toxic portion occupied by the likes of Big Brietbart.

    Got it.

    Carry on...

  2. Yet another reason to like Alec Baldwin.

    It should also be noted that had a conservative been caught having a spectacularly ugly convo with his daughter, wingnuts would be tripping over themselves to defend it as a private family matter.

  3. But I must confess to a bit of confusion when confronted with "Public Discourse" being described as an Anus.

    No no, public discourse HAS an anus. It is now left to the reader to imagine the genitalia Public Discourse has to offer, and relax in a nice bubble-bath in contemplation of same.

  4. I think public discourse spends a lot of time concerned about the size of its genitalia, and whether it measures up, IFYKWIM

  5. Anyone else wondering if there was a tweet after Breitbart's?


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