Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Freedom is Dangerous and Wrong

Yuval Levin has a provocative headline to offer:
White House: Freedom is Dangerous and Wrong
He's talking about this article, in which a White House spokesman says it's dangerous to restrict all that there coverage for contraception and stuff. And it literally is! People die! Here though, is the nub of the argument:
As [White House Yakking Guy Jay] Carney says: “Decisions about medical care should be made by a woman and her doctor, not a woman and her boss.” Quite right. And we might add: not by a woman and her federal bureaucracy either.
SPERM DEATH PANELS. And I'm glad this "freedom" business works so well for gay marriage. But let's have a little thought experiment:

Scene #1
You are not funny, so you go to your family clown for funny-lessons. The clown prescribes seltzer only and is sympathetic to a regimen of rubber-chicken exercises, but your coverage doesn't include that.

Scene #2
You are not funny, so you go to your family clown for funny-lessons. The clown prescribes seltzer and a regimen of rubber-chicken exercises, which are covered by your insurance plan.

Q: In which scene is there more freedom?

A: Obviously there is more freedom in Scene #1, because your employer is not in a Nazi death camp.


Deroy Murdock:
Imagine, as Jonah does, that Rick Santorum is elected president and becomes the reincarnation of Cotton Mather, just as Nancy Pelosi probably fears as she lays her coiffed head on her high-threadcount pillows every night. Imagine further that instead of repealing Obamacare, the former GOP senator from Pennsylvania decided to keep this law in place and modify it along much more traditionalist, even puritanical, lines.

Santorumcare could involve — say — a federally mandated, five-day waiting period before women could have abortions. This parallels the original five-day interlude that potential firearms buyers faced under the Brady Law. How could the Left object to that?

How about a requirement that every American who receives free condoms from any federally subsidized health center first must receive 30 minutes of mandatory abstinence counseling?

And why not a rule that those who visit Gay Men’s Health Crisis cannot accept any services until after completing a two-day course on gay conversion, so that they can be “cured” of their homosexuality?
It is really really hard to put such stupidities past Republicans, but if the point is that different political parties will have different priorities, well, thanks Einstein. If they want to keep getting elected, though, they might not want to get their grubby little hands on the old folks' Medicare and so forth. Even a conservative must bow to the fact that people WANT Social Security. My bet is that people - families even! - will enjoy paying less money for services they use, like contraception.

Now is this last part written with rue or glee?
Our friends on the left should worry about what potentially could happen to their shiny new toy, if Obamacare ever became Santorumcare, Brownbackcare, or Palincare.

As a wise man once said: “Careful what you wish for.”
Or insanity?


  1. Scene #3: Yuval Levin is hit in the balls by a crane's wrecking ball.

    Hilarious!, because tragedy is when I stub my toe.

  2. The clown prescribes seltzer only and is sympathetic to a regimen of rubber-chicken exercises, but your coverage doesn't include that.

    He wouldn't be sympathetic if he knew what I did with the chicken.

    (Also, it's clear you need no funny lessons.)

    I'm so tempted to sign up for an NRO account.

  3. Now wait one minute there, Buster!

    One: you go to your family clown...

    Two: you go to your family clown...

    Hmmm? I know there's a trick in here somewhere. One way or another, I'm gonna figure it out, Buster, then you're gonna get it--- boy howdy, I tell you.

  4. Our friends on the left should worry about what potentially could happen to their shiny new toy, if Obamacare ever became Santorumcare, Brownbackcare, or Palincare.

    As a wise man once said: “Careful what you wish for.”

    No better ad could have been written by the Obama camp. Thanks, chump!

  5. And we might add: not by a woman and her federal bureaucracy either

    Unless it's Santorumcare, Brownbackcare, or Palincare, of course, because those would be AWESOME.

    Hey hey, recaptcha! Go you!

  6. Santorumcare is still very very very very very very very experimental.

  7. eck...santorumcare would be too messsy...and brownbackcare sounds like it wouldn't be too far behind...palincare, no doubt would be dispensed at your local fundamental church...

    also, i highly rate for scene #3...

  8. There are only so many ailments you can deal with with lube and fecal matter.


  9. Santorumcare could involve — say — a federally mandated, five-day waiting period before women could have abortions.

    This would be funnier if the Virginia republicans had not meanwhile introduced *mandatory vaginal penetration with an ultrasound device* before women could have abortions... without needing the mechanism of Santorumcare.

    There are only so many ailments you can deal with with lube and fecal matter.

    Are you familiar with the concept of "fecal transplantation"?


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