Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Yes, Google News Sucks Now

Apart from this (I use Googlebar Lite which gets around that problem) my Google News page got reorganized and now it shows me less than I want, for no good reason at all. I think I'll find my news elsewhere now.


  1. Ponders what Substance could possibly be talking about.

    Do you mean something like clicking on "Classic Google" and then clicking "news", or is this some fancy feature for people who stopped paying attention to technology in 1999?

  2. From the get-go, Google News let you choose a bunch of story sections, and expand the amount of stories you'd see in a given section. Now I get three stories per section, I guess because Google doesn't want me reading that page for news.

  3. Hi, substance. I'm going to have Clouds shut down commenting soon, because it really doesn't make sense to have them there, and I like spending time on youse alls' sites.

    So, what you were looking at was a fairly raw photo of a weathered wall. A lot of my abstract photos are close-ups of mine are weathered walls, or bark.

  4. You should allow comments and be less worried about them. They help you figure out what it is you're doing, and the feedback helps you keep the project going. I am unlikely to ask about post X in an email or another forum if I have a question about it. Trolls and spam really are rare enough that they are easily dispensed with.

    In the desert outside Tucson I took a bunch of pictures of rocks with a psychedelic green lichen on them. They just glowed.

  5. In the desert outside Tucson I took a bunch of pictures of rocks with a psychedelic green lichen on them. They just glowed.

    Just last night some regular sighted folks (I'm oddly colorblind: blue/purple, green/brown) were telling me that the mayan salsa verde I'd brought to the oyster roast was psychedelic green. I see things other ways but I'll take their word for it.

    Said all that to encourage wiley to leave comments on. You may get extraneous ephemera but it won't bother you any.

  6. I get all my news from the fine Murdoch family of news outlets... and illegal wiretaps of innocent citizens.

  7. I now see what you mean, Substance.

    Was this to save money, or for getting paid to steer to certain places, I wonder?

  8. I dunno what kind of case was made for the change. The top three stories are likely to be covered by the most outlets, so maybe there's something involving money there? But at the same time I'm NOT being driven to a bunch of news sites - which may also be those major outlets - for a whole bunch of more marginal stories...I don't know how it makes any sense.

    One of the things that used to make record stores go - when the biggies existed - was bringing people in for the hits and making money on the catalogue. Google is throwing out the catalogue for no reason I can see except to lose clicks.

  9. Yeah, Wiley, leave the comments.

    McG, do you not have the "More [Subject] stories" link at the bottom of each section except "Top Stories?" (It's showing six stories in "Top News" now, after I clicked there.)

    I had News among the open-on-start pages, but realized I seldom used it. Even in front of the web 16 hrs. a day it's all I can do to keep up w/ Reader (which got worse too) & Twits as I search for things to complain about/mock/belittle, so I removed it & haven't missed it.

  10. McG, do you not have the "More [Subject] stories" link at the bottom of each section except "Top Stories?" (It's showing six stories in "Top News" now, after I clicked there.)

    I do, but only if I sign out.

  11. That's odd, 'cause I was definitely signed in. The entire Google+ thing is rather sad.


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