Sunday, November 13, 2011

Old Structure Porn

Here is a building in Detroit.


  1. I worked on a loan for a huge old building in Detroit by the waterfront. Great place, the reconstruction of the interior was done well, but it all cost more than they could rent it out for.

    And the even bigger place, next door (and attached, for that matter)? Still vacant. Which doesn't help the economics.

  2. I mention this because that building looks eerily familiar. Does it look out on the Detroit River?

  3. When living in Houston, I felt completely spoiled by the downtown skyline.

    This one building was an early skyscraper much like the pictures you have here, but it was updated with an outer, contemporary exoskeleton.

  4. Says Quinn Evans is going to do roof and windows, to help maintain the structure while a use is found. I've worked with them, they're pretty good.

  5. Whoa, now that's some real Ned Beaumont Jr bait, old chum!

  6. Yeah, I meant to point him over here, but I was interrupted by a Chick-O-Stick purchase or something.

  7. Hard to beat D. H. Burnham for old-time D. W. Griffith awe.

    Too bad that we abandoned rail and Detroit.


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