Saturday, November 5, 2011

God I Love Shuffle Play

Also there was a section where you could ask for specific improvements to the website so I begged for more Victoria Jackson.


  1. If you comment there you could quickly get a nice negative 120 p-score or some such (unless you play it close to the vest).

  2. What does the "p" stand for? (Do I want to know?)

  3. You should try to grab a guest-posting gig there, see how far "Poe's Law" can take you.

  4. Extra "p" is for extra "pee", M.B.!

    At least, so say the wonketteers.

    IntenseDebate Reputation Meter

    The reputation meter is a measure of strength of all previous comments made on our system by a certain commenter as judged by his or her peers. It is one way to tell whether the comment you are reading is written by someone well-regarded.


  5. I would like to complain about this chamber. It has too little echo.

  6. "Also there was a section where you could I begged for more Victoria Jackson."

    It's always goatse with you, isn't it?

    It's pretty cool that you can legitimately check all those boxes, though.


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