Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Car-Commercial Soundtracks

Wikipedia informs us that someone tried to sell cars with the help of this. Hope it all worked out.


  1. Needs moar Jayne Mansfield images.

  2. Posted this on the wrong thread. I hate it when that happens to me.

    My soup-loving counterpart once dated a girl so dumb that when he told her those bumpy things in the middle of the road (she called them turtles) were to let blind drivers know that they're veering into head-coming traffic. She said, "Noooo?" Like, Really?!

    He felt kind of bad for her, he had just assumed that she would recognize that as a joke.

    He was young.

  3. Could have been more bizarre, they could have used Warm Leatherette.

  4. Hee hee, Warm Leatherette was the first song that crossed my mind, too. Followed by Hamburger Lady, but that's not specifically car-related and also has other, better product tie ins.


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