Sunday, October 9, 2011

Pardon le Dopeness

This upload came with the greatest captcha EVAR:


  1. Only thing better could have been "Wattsa Matta U"

  2. Plus which.

    Other, leading to this alleged exchange following a fender-bender in Hawai'i.

    First driver gets out of car, says: "Wassa matta you?"

    Driver 2: "'Wassa matta me?' Wassa matta you? You wassa matta!"

  3. OK, maybe Driver 2 should say: "Wassa matta you, 'Wassa matta me?' You wassa matta!"

    (Haven't told/typed it in a while.)

  4. (Haven't told/typed it in a while.)

    But you got a new avatar, so that outghta get you some respect.

  5. Every image of a brain that's available on the Internet is waiting in the hard drive.

    Not only is WV "bring," auto-complete indicates it's been used before.


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