Thursday, October 20, 2011

The Great Debate

VS, um, vs. J. Vernon McGee. It's a loooooong bus ride.


  1. It's like oompah-techno music. When's the album coming out, you magnificent bastard?

    ...wait, is that vacuumslayer's ACTUAL VOICE? ewwww.....

  2. You know, the one not talking about God and stuff.

  3. VS is the gurl voice, FYI.

    wow, that's kind of harsh.

  4. Bouffant deserves some of the credit for this in a way because he keeps linking to those fucking dub videos, and somewhere he talked about how with tolerable bass and a beat pretty much any noise can go over the top...and I think that nails a whole bunch of music I like.

  5. Brilliant vid and music!!! Is that Ethel Merman?

    "Amen" is killer. Soon I'll be able to say, I heard you when... utoob hits were still under a hundred. Got to get this one more air time. You rock!

  6. Ethel started here. Unfortunately YouTube seems to demand some pictures to go along with the music, so she got recycled because she was handy.

  7. so she got recycled because she was handy.

    Ethel Merman is a zombie? Who authorized that?

  8. I remember the original mucus tape.

    Praise the mucus!

  9. I think that nails a whole bunch of music I like.

    Can you give me an example? Besides my awesome mucus song, I mean. :D

    BTW, thanks for the chuckle. I was grinning from ear to ear while I was listening to it. Pookietronic was on my lap--we were both enjoying.

  10. Can you give me an example?

    Ah, here's the Bouffant quote, and obviously he means something that's really screechy, but...
    I'd put this in the ballpark...
    That got ripped off by these guys...
    And then there's this...
    Which was an attempt at this stuff...
    This counts despite some variance...
    And I wore a copy of this down which was like a bunch of other industrial abominations...but now that I hear it again is not very bassy...

    And then Public Enemy songs back when they were a noise band and similar things...

  11. C'mon, if you dismiss the Plastic Ono Band album as 'screechy" you're not human/alive/something ... it expresses more agony than virtually anything else, ever, and causes it as well. Wailing rules.

    (Worked great for bum-rushing people from the dorm room when a co-ed & I wanted to be alone, also. Philistines!)

    I have the VS moko recording because WMP or something downloaded it when I listened to it, & then Spotify appropriated it as well. Machines. HELP!!

    he keeps linking to those fucking dub videos

    Watch it, or else!! Oh, what the hell, I'm cranky enough.

    WV claims there's arift somewhere. As indicated by your damn looping those things. We're stuck. Forever!

  12. I listened to it all morning, actually...that's what the looping is for. It was good working music.

  13. Wow, I loved the Public Image, Poptones - took a listen to a Red Hot Chili Peppers cover of that which was nice. It was an attempt at dub?

    Now how about a different take on a classic: which sort of ties it all together!

  14. I think the PiL is a dub attempt, but they smoked a lotta dope and maybe they were listening to some krauts too. Wobble and Lydon were enthusiasts.

    There are some funny liner notes in which Wayne from The Flaming Lips explains that the Lips believed they were a metal band for a few albums, but he's kind of flaky and could be lying anyway.

  15. how with tolerable bass and a beat pretty much any noise can go over the top

    This is objectively true.

    Check out G. Corp if haven't already.

  16. I'd put this in the ballpark...
    That got ripped off by these guys...
    And then there's this...
    Which was an attempt at this stuff...
    This counts despite some variance...
    And I wore a copy of this down which was like a bunch of other industrial abominations...but now that I hear it again is not very bassy...

    Ya know, I actually got a really good idea of what you meant from that selection.

  17. in my coffee?

    I be trippin', mon.

  18. ok, w/v was just "reverse." Which--I think--means you could probably play some of those songs in reverse and they would sound equally as good as they do goin' forward.

  19. Quicktime lets you loop things backwards and forwards, so I can tell you with authority that no, your duet with J. Vernon sounds like shit backwards.

    Fishing for compliments about how it sounds forwards.

  20. LOL!

    LOL...also as good backwards as it is forward.

  21. God damn it, I put you on the beat and everything!

  22. Actually I love *my* song. I was poking gentle fun at the other songs...and I didn't even dislike a couple of 'em.

  23. Faux outrage is the most convenient outrage, especially at the returns counter.


  24. SOOOO COOOOL, Subby.

    The preacher is right "She's the problem"


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