Monday, September 26, 2011

Welcome War Criminals

We love our friends:
Protesters are gathered outside a private club in downtown Vancouver where former U.S. vice president Dick Cheney is promoting his new book.

Cheney is speaking at the sold-out $500 per seat event as part of a promotion of his book In My Time: A Personal and Political Memoir.

The protest organizers with are demanding Canada arrest Cheney for war crimes because of his controversial support for the use of waterboarding, sleep deprivation and other methods to interrogate prisoners in the U.S.'s war against terrorism.

But Leah Costello, who heads up the Bon Mot Book Club that's organized the event, said it's disappointing anybody would want to prevent Cheney from speaking.
Go fuck yourself Leah Costello and your stupid fucking Flash website.

See also.


  1. That Bon Mot Book Club looks to be a gaggle of wankers, don't it?

  2. Where are the rioters when there's something important to smash?

  3. Ooooh what a line-up of speakers. Can you buy rotten fruit there?

  4. the sold-out $500 per seat event

    "By invitation or personal referral only," according to the site.

  5. "Where are the rioters when there's something important to smash?"

    Watchin' hockey?

  6. it's disappointing anybody would want to prevent Cheney from speaking.

    Did somebody tie him down and pour untold gallons of water into his mouth so he couldn't speak? Or did they just hold signs(nowhere near him) pointing out that you assholes are not just celebrating but actually bankrolling a war criminal? Because kindly shove your mot up your bons.

  7. former U.S. vice president Dick Cheney is promoting his new book.
    Cheney is speaking at the sold-out $500 per seat event

    Sounds like his business model is more one of "publishing a book to promote his speaking tour".
    I'm sure he needs the money.

  8. S.C. he doesn't need the money, but he is interested in rewriting history so as to avoid the war crimes trial he has earned.

  9. Laisse le bon mot bruler?

  10. That site is hideous. Even the fonts are abrasive.

    "Where are the rioters when there's something important to smash?"

    Watchin' hockey?

    Drinking. These activities are frequently confused in Canada.

    Because kindly shove your mot up your bons.

    Have I mentioned recently how awesome Tigris is? I don't think I have.

  11. Dunno if this is just looniness (Doesn't seem to have been much outrage over it, or anything solidly documented.) but submitted for your consideration anyway.

  12. Dunno how true this is, as there's been little outcry & it seems a bit loony, but I'll submit it for your consideration anyway.

  13. Seems to me to just be looniness. Pretty interesting though. I'd expect the cops to beat up the pedophile over the accuser, really.


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