Thursday, September 15, 2011

All Fear the Absorption Cart

Sorry for the libel. PDF at this link if anyone gives a shit.


  1. Apparently there are sexy nurses to meet the needs of any person who likes sexy nurses. This one appeals to people who look for really impressive biceps in a sexy nurse.

    Sexy nurse.

  2. I love clicking on .pdfs. Especially .pdfs about sexy big-bicepped nurses.
    "To be eligible, you must register with your
    personal absorption counselor, and report to the counselor
    according to your employment plan.

    Personal absorption counselor. For sexy immigrant nurses. How does one get that job?

  3. Given the position of the trailing leg shown in the sexy nurse diagram, I think that sexy one legged nurse might be a better description.

  4. They are pandering to the amputee-fetishist lobby.
    Or imputing to the panda-fetishist lobby.

  5. This one appeals to people who look for really impressive biceps in a sexy nurse.

    She could drop a shoulder and just flatten Tom Brady.

  6. Still not as fearful as the AbsorbShun cart.

  7. She could drop a shoulder and just flatten Tom Brady.

    This is a hockey reference, no?

  8. Deleted sexy nurse spam.

    I blame Vacuumslayer.


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