Monday, August 8, 2011

I Blame Both Sides

Hope for change:

Rational actors:


OT a liberated comment from DKW on an earlier post about medical writing should have gotten a look when it was current.


  1. it's obviously Obama's fault.

    And, it should go without saying, Spongebob Squarepants'.

  2. It couldn't be because the fucknozzles at S&P have placed a shitload of short sales. Absolutely not. Perish the thought.

  3. See, the thing here is that I do blame both sides. It's that double-the-irony-equals-sincerity kinda funny.

  4. But you have to be clear about what you mean by both sides.

    Canada and teh U.S. of A.?

    Obama and the teabaggers (I call foul here, because they're both working for the same rich folks...heads, the plutocrats win, tails, everyone else loses).

  5. Rs and Ds, the people who legislate bullshit. But yeah, it's this sort of thing.

  6. I mostly agree, except that there are Ds who try to be different.

    And they get relentlessly suppressed and mocked by the Dems who sell out, and our corporate press that helps insure that sellout.

    So the lack of a distinction helps those who want to make sure that there is no distinction.

  7. There are, but you know, if every senator gets one of those stupid fucking secret holds it's a marvel none of the Dems there announced that debt-ceiling raises with conditions couldn't pass.

    Then there's that president guy...

  8. Then there's that president guy...

    He's the worst one.

    Note the Timmeh Geithner is still our Treasury guy.

  9. Weird.

    In the screen cap up by aerobic granny, it says "Bond Selloff"

    Now, I'm not gonna sit here and claim I know more about this shit than WSJ, but everything I've seen today tells me that large investors spent the day changing their portfolio balance by selling stocks and BUYING bonds, particularly US Treasuries. In fact, I've got an alert here on my desktop showing the Bond yield down almost 9% to 2.34. So are they trying to fool me or something?

  10. So are they trying to fool me or something?

    It's gotta just be laziness. As a for instance the CBC news reports mention the S&P downgrade and the stock fall without context, at least on the radio. I think the standard for business reporting is guessing.

  11. In the screen cap up by aerobic granny, it says "Bond Selloff"

    *Corporate* bond sell-off.

  12. Hey, at least we'll have cheap weed. Something tells me, though, that paramilitary drug enforcement units will be one of the last things the feds cut... too much money to be made in munitions sales and privatized prisons.

  13. And you'd have to imagine that it's not going to be the drug CEOs tending the houses, what with the pretty absurd penalties in the US. Unless they're high of course.

  14. Thanks, I was wondering what happened to that comment. At first I thought that it was am Islamoterror plot that blowed it up, but obviously it was the work of a lone wolf right-wing extremeist.

    Just goes to show that both sides, the right-wing represented by a nutjob who killed a bunch of liberals in the name of conservatism and the left-wing represented by Al Qaeda.

  15. do it. Nevermind, you know what I meant.

  16. Also helpful for south of border grow-ops - you can tell which houses are grow-ops in a lot of Canuckistan simpky by finding the houses that never have snow on their roofs. Even a cop could figure out which buildings would make for good surveillance targets.

    Uh - or so I've heard.

  17. Sooo, there might be a market for synthetic snow?

  18. No snow on roof => Santa cannot land => NO PRESENTS.

  19. Who needs presents when there's a shitton of weed available?


  20. We don't have Santa here. We have Yves the lumberjack, distributing maple syrup or chopping your head off. All children love and fear Christmas Yves.

  21. Ooooh McGravitas is in big troubs. No one calls him Christmas Yves in Godless socialest utopia. His real name is teh non-gendered Seasonal Celebration Spirit of generic ethnicity.

  22. Sooo, there might be a market for synthetic snow?
    that's your Cando spirit right there!
    Just remember to take it down in the spring


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