Friday, August 26, 2011

Doo Doo Doo

The Lovely Daughter: What's a bee's favourite rapper?
Me: I dunno.
LD: Buzz Markie.


  1. Thanks for "TSR," I hadn't heard that one. I'm partial to "Picking Boogers."

    Has she heard Busy Bee?

  2. Jeez no, that's a distant corner of my mind.

  3. Yeah, distant for me too. I read bee and rap and the name popped into my head. Someone I used to hear back in the 80s, when the only regular hip hop programming I could find in my area (Monterey Peninsula) was a weekly, one-hour show on KUSP from Santa Cruz.

  4. No, three hours! Nine to midnight, I think, on Saturdays.

  5. Try being a Canadian. Vast amounts of music of the darker-hued variety just never got shipped here.

  6. Try being a Canadian.

    Um. OK. Howzit work? Is it like a free introductory offer where I'm a Canadian for 90 days and if I don't remember to write "Cancel" on the invoice I start getting billed?

    Or is it more of a test drive, where I can be a Canadian for a few hours but then I have to come back to the lot, give it back and go home an American again?

    Or is it even less than that, more like a dressing room where I go in and, after pulling the curtain so no one can see me with my birthright off, I try on a pair of Canadian-ness and kinda twist around to see how it makes my butt look?

  7. Try being a Canadian.

    Can I ease into it by being a Newfoundlander?

  8. ...if you've been a Canadian for mor than four hours, contact a doctor

    w/v "enothon" ...yeah, no, I'll pass

  9. I was thinking of Brian Peter George St. John le Baptiste de la Salle Eno

  10. The daddy/daughter stuff always makes me go "Awwww.". I'm such a sap. Also, YAY--poop!

    I actually had an album by a Canadian rap group that was actually pretty great. So great i don't remember the name. How embarrassing.

  11. We don't like to fight
    We romp around inna snow
    We all tight
    Buy a sweater for the ho
    Not a pullover or a vest
    Give those to Grover n the rest
    We're getting with the cardigan
    Got it in the bazaar again
    Your sniffles kinda worry me
    We prob'ly oughta hurry, see
    There's some bad guys from the other coast
    They got guns we got some French Toast
    We don't like to fight
    'Cause we often lose
    We can't get it right
    In these hush puppy shoes..

  12. Oh.

    I guess I should say.

    That's some Canadian Rap.


  13. S McG and DKW were having a Canadian rap at N_B's haus.

  14. I actually had an album by a Canadian rap group that was actually pretty great. So great i don't remember the name


  15. I actually had an album by a Canadian rap group that was actually pretty great.

    Must be Snow.

  16. Must be Snow.

    Must be no. *shudder* OK, I'm actually worried now that I cant remember the name. Started with "M," I think...

  17. They got kicked off Nettwerk - home of Sarah McLachlan! - because one of 'em hangs out with the Hell's Angels a lot.

  18. I used to be really into Sarah. I'm not proud or ashamed. It is what it is. Now she doesn't make music, she just makes PSA's about animal abuse that make me want to put a bullet in my brain.

  19. Never liked her. I really liked The Cocteau Twins and her early stuff seemed like a poor version of what they did. Plus "yearn" never needs to be used in a song ever again.

  20. Oh, well, let me take a moment to compose myself...because I'm shocked you don't like Sarah MacLachlan.

    I can kinda hear the similarities there, and yeah, her music was definitely less pleasingly quirky.That song should totally be a part of this soundtrack.

  21. "Yearn" will always be a valuable lyrical component because it is a powerful word with a +7 Emo coefficient and rhymes with all sorts of important shit.

  22. burn!

    Smut is making me listen to "Hurricane" by BOC. I am...unmoved.

  23. BOC are much more interesting when other people listen to them.

  24. HA!

    Now I know that if someone wants me to listen to BOC, I can politely tell him that I just want to listen vicariously.

    w/v says this makes Smut "incenst."

  25. Meh.

    Shooting Shark was brilliant.

    I LOVEDD "Twilight Zone", but whaddaya know, that turned out to be Golden Earring.

    So Meh.

    Cling to Shooting Shark, a little Reaper, and move on...

  26. Oh, is that the "something something THE REAPER" song? That's how I remember it.

  27. "Perfect Water" was also pretty good mikey.

    And in recent year, "Harvet Moon"

    Also, the whole " Imaginos" album kind of rocked.

    Ofncoure, none of it is hippety-hoppy enough for red headed girls....

  28. A friend's girlfriend once noted that she didn't like BÖC because "there was too much going on."

    Minor adjustment:

    Give those to Grover n the rest

    Give those to Gord n the rest

  29. No Eno in the USofA. Ingredients somewhat like Alkie-Seltzer, 'cept that has aspirin.

    I just use the baking soda I keep in the fridge. Has its own flavor(s).


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