Thursday, July 28, 2011

Harry Was Not the Most Handsome Man


  1. "Harry Was Not the Most Handsome Man"

    That is no excuse for him to be nosing wombats.

  2. This is why wombats run away when one does the "Little touch of harry in the night..." speech

  3. that is a neat trick

    There's at least one Flickr group of folks who take more time with stuff like this.

  4. Sure he wasn't attractive, but did they have to name a wombat nose after him?

    That just seems mean spirited.

  5. Besides, who the HELL names all the different parts of their Wombat?

    When it's time for the Wombat to come in for dinner, do they stand in the door and call all the various Wombat parts, starting with Harry the Nose?

    'Cause that would be weird.

    Heh heh. When you first look at it, it looks like Granny is causing the whole room to shake with all that jumping up and down a la Yosemite Sam...

  6. They're jigglin' baby

    I'm heartbroken that this wasn't a Linda Carter clip!

    That is no excuse for him to be nosing wombats.

    That's no nose!


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