Monday, June 20, 2011

The Undefeated

John Nolte:
The key to the ultimate effectiveness of a documentary like “The Undefeated” is more than just how many people see it or even who those people are. Certainly that matters to some degree, but so does how the very existence of the documentary changes the national political conversation. Naysayers of the “The Undefeated” dismiss the film’s impact by telling us that only Palinistas are going to bother to buy tickets. In other words, since the film preaches to the choir there will be no new converts. Intentionally or not, that’s a fairly simplistic declaration that doesn’t take into account how the film will impact the political news narrative — an impact that’s already apparent to anyone paying attention.
I have a link to anyone paying attention.
The story of “The Undefeated” is the story the MSM chose to intentionally ignore as soon as Governor Palin arrived on the national scene and became a real threat to their plans to anoint Barack Obama president. Today, without the film even having been released, we’re already having the discussion the film wants us to have and the MSM doesn’t.

In that respect, I’d say “The Undefeated” is already a success.
On the other hand the narrative of Sarah Palin as idiot princess of the moron brigade is going full steam. In that respect, I'd say the dreaded MSM is TOTALLY THE MOST UNDEFEATED EVAR.


  1. She's not gonna run (too much work, not enough time for griftin'), and Michele One L will be their new queen.

  2. She's not gonna run

    I've been thinking that for a long time. It doesn't, though, help the prediction ratio to practice my prophetic powers on crazy people.

  3. "y the MSM chose to intentionally ignore as soon as Governor Palin arrived on the national scene and became a real threat to their plans to anoint Barack Obama president."

    Oh please. The lamestream will anoint whatever or whomever makes for the most sensational story. I'm sure that had McCain won, the MSM would have been creaming their shorts at the prospect of watching The Mean Girl do crazy stuff.

  4. Funny or no, he gutted Chris Wallace. Seriously. It was UGLY--in a good way!

  5. The full name of this film being "The Undefeated: You Can't Lose if You Don't Try?"

  6. Give it some time, and they'll all insist that they were never into Palin anyway.

    George who?


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