Thursday, June 9, 2011


Mark Landis has an exhibit in Glasgow.

Mind you, to judge by the place's website they don't know what to show or how to show it.


  1. Once again, Subs closed all the GOOD tabs before he took the screenshot, leaving only his own site (sub-tle), Crookit Timber and Russia. Unless that one on the end is Russian Porn.

    Heh heh.

    Две девушки и goatse...

  2. I'd show you the other 80 that were open at the time - for real and for true! - but they're BORING.

  3. That post is pretty funny, but I am embarrassed to have made a shit comment on it.

  4. You should redeem yourself by making fun of soullite.

    Troll smackdown in 3,,, 2,,,

  5. If I let making shite comments hold me back, I'd be living in a cave with a baby pterodactyl tied to a string as my telephone.

  6. You should redeem yourself by making fun of soullite.

    Ooh, he's really begging for a kicking. AGAIN.

  7. I didn't wanna do it, because the post is really great. Yet I did.

  8. Oooooh. Will my afternoon be filled with fun lurking?

  9. I think DKW is gonna find there's a decorum limit to soullite-punching at CT. Let's find out!

  10. My love of yelling PENIS got the better of me.

  11. How come soullite never comments at S,N! any more?

  12. You killed that thread dead, Mister McGravitas.

  13. Killed it dead with hilarity. I giggled.

  14. The concern over decongestant availability came as a surprise to me, for Soullite is a very serious person who only cares about very serious issues.

  15. It's good to know I'm not missing anything. Same old arguing with idiots, as if there's anything to be gained from either side.

    It almost seems perfunctory at this point, as if everybody's slightly embarrassed by what it's become, but nobody knows how to stop.

    Or maybe it's just me.

    Do carry on...

  16. Yes but his behavior was all women's fault because some of them occasionally fall for it.

  17. think DKW is gonna find there's a decorum limit to soullite-punching at CT. Let's find out!

    Decorum limit apparently not reached. Like your mom tells me, I must try harder.

  18. Callista Alert for SmcG!!!!

    Looks like the groundwork is being laid for Wife Number Four. Here I thought she was nine years and a crippling disease short of getting dropped.

  19. Ooh, you got a YOU MUST PROVE YOUR ASSERTION out of SoV regarding toilet lids. I say you go for toenail clippings next.

  20. There's a scent over there alright but violets isn't what comes to mind.

  21. I went with Chewbacca. If that thread is still going on after I'm done with dinner then I am going to figure out a way to work in the grave injustice done to Alison Haislip.

  22. Ooh, you got a YOU MUST PROVE YOUR ASSERTION out of SoV regarding toilet lids.

    From a guy who reads "I blame all women for men who treat them badly" as "I blame some women for men who treat people other than them badly?" JESUS.

  23. There's a scent over there alright but violets isn't what comes to mind.

    I have worked that angle before.

  24. I must confess I've never quite understood the premise of Crooked Timber. It seems to be a free, online equivalent of the argument room.

    No it's not!


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