Sunday, June 5, 2011

Population Regulation

When I heard about a method of male birth control involving injections I immediately started wondering whether or not a cartridge of the stuff might fit into a rifle. Silly me, if you have a rifle why not fire the regular bullets and prevent the same amount of babies? Video scrotum surgery at the link my friends.


  1. Humanity is divided into three parts:

    Those I would kill immediately, those I would sterilize but let live out their empty futile lives, & those worthy of reproducing.

    Good thing I'm not in charge?

  2. What do you get when you have no people?


  3. Video scrotum surgery at the link my friends.
    I was told there would be testicle prostheses.

    I remember a few decades ago when vasectomies were going to be replaced by injections into the vas deferens. That time, the injections were going to form permanent plugs but the principle was the same.
    Eventually it turned out that slipping a needle into a narrow little cord was actually a lot tricker than snipping it and inserting a few stitches afterwards, so everyone stayed with the old technology.

    I have seen Dame Margaret Sparrow at work and you would not believe how fast she could wield the knife. She may be old but her hands stop shaking when they close around the scalpel.

    You can probably imagine the shape of the cake she received on her 75th birthday.

  4. She may be old but her hands stop shaking when they close around the scalpel.

    Oddly, I find no comfort in this.

  5. I will not be talking to bad people like Substance any more until their poorly behaved hockey team shows some manners and lets the other team win.

    (also they should stop biting people)

  6. Scrotum surgery...All too familiar for me.

    A cycling accident allowed me the opportunity to have the vas deferens excised from my right testicle but not until 9 months of HMO-directed agony waiting for it to 'just go away'. All the while, that little guy with a hammer pounded on my nut day and night. Surgery, the subsequent grapefruit-sized swelling, and tons of ice was sweet, sweet relief.

    Ha! Made you flinch!

    I had a vasectomy a year before the accident, so it wasn't like I got to go thru this all just once.

  7. " Silly me, if you have a rifle why not fire the regular bullets and prevent the same amount of babies?"

    "Those I would kill immediately"

    Dear Penthouse Forum,

    I never thought this would happen to me, but one night, on the Internet, I met these two guys who were even crankier and meaner than I am. It was pretty hot.

    Misanthropically Yours,

  8. Humanity is divided into three parts:

    Those I would kill immediately, those I would sterilize but let live out their empty futile lives, & those worthy of reproducing.

    Shyeah, right. Be honest, what percentage of time is all of humanity in the first group?

    Ha! Made you flinch!

    Actually, I thought "great, now I want grapefruit."

  9. poorly behaved hockey team

    Here is a Venn diagram of well-behaved people and hockey teams:

    O O

  10. To quote Captain Trollypants: that Venn diagram needs a sweater.

  11. Yeah, don't bite his finger - cross-check him into the boards and break his neck - that's real hockey!

  12. Actually, I thought "great, now I want grapefruit."

    Yeah, the flinching is a gender-specific thing.

  13. I dunno, I thought I was encouraging you to go see it.

  14. Shyeah, right. Be honest, what percentage of time is all of humanity in the first group?

    Talk is cheap (unlike guns & poison) but not everyone is on the list.

    Proximity & how much noise one is making are two important determinants, for example.

  15. And whose lawn one is on, evidently.

  16. how much noise one is making

    Also evident that Grandad Bouffant has found his ear trumpet again.


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