Tuesday, June 7, 2011


I enjoy hearing people be mean about Sex and the City II.

Follow this and there are podcasts featuring similar ranting. Also interviews and conversations about film music. (Audio only, fortunately.)


  1. I expected to get a little annoyed when I watched this, because usually when men complain about SATC, it's all "OMG, OLD SLUTS!!!!" But his complaints were actually substantive.

    I very much enjoyed SATC and the first SATC movie, though I often rolled my eyes at the "problems" these four extraordinarily privileged White women had.

    I'm hesitant to wholesale go after the consumerist nature of the series/films because I do think that a bit of that naturally goes along with some of our girlier impulses...let's say. And I'm not sure a little of it is necessarily unhealthy. I mean, I've bought expensive handbags I don't need just because I like them. It's not something I do often or something I'm proud of, but there it is. It sounds as though this film takes that sort of thing to obnoxious heights, however.

    I was never planning on making an effort to see this movie, but now it's pretty much a guarantee I'll never watch it. So I guess that guy made a pretty strong case.

  2. I'm hesitant to wholesale go after the consumerist nature of the series/films because I do think that a bit of that naturally goes along with some of our girlier impulses...let's say.

    There isn't anything wrong with a shopping-fantasy movie - Dawn of the Dead! - and it's not like women are the sole consumers of stupid shit said the man with a storage closet full of electronics.

  3. the man with a storage closet full of electronics.

    hey now. I will SOMEDAY find a use for that Mac Plus!

  4. "and it's not like women are the sole consumers of stupid shit said the man with a storage closet full of electronics."

    Ha! Yes. You can have yoir closet full of electronics and I can have my closet full of purses and gay Republicans.

  5. "yoir" : archaic spelling...um, yeah. Totally meant to do that.

  6. Notice also Kermode's suit and hair in comparison to his furiously-frumping co-host. I think he's okay with making attempts to look good and some consumerism is obviously involved with that. The problem is that the characters in the movie are deserving of revolutionary mobs with a guillotine.

  7. Pssst. Come closer so I whisper this: No! Only Carrie! She's the annoying one, trust me.

    "furiously frumping"

    This made me laugh for some reason. Is it anything like furious krumping

  8. Thats it. I am not inviting you to my Which SATC Girl Are You?-themed party.

  9. I can have my closet full of purses and gay Republicans

    Can I interest you in a freezer?


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