Tuesday, May 31, 2011


O the incivility:
Khadir, who is a member of Quebec's national assembly (MNA) and co-leader of Quebec Solidaire, referred to the royals as "parasites" in an interview with the Journal de Québec newspaper.

"What a waste of public money. All this to welcome those parasites," Khadir is quoted as saying in the article.

A portion of the trip's cost will be covered by Quebec taxpayers.
Apparently some people think this remark is outrageous. Is there some other word he should have used?


  1. I suppose it's less rude than "horse-faced inbred parasites", but it's also less descriptive.

  2. Is there some other word he should have used?

    Biologists seem to prefer 'symbiosis' because then they don't have to commit themselves to deciding whether the relationship between the species is exploitative (parasitism), or one-sided, or mutually beneficial

  3. Anachronistic throwbacks that belong in the dustbin of history?

  4. Unfortunately, the dustbin's full.

    I called History to ask them to come pick it up but their voice mail inbox is full too.

    I think a lot of the neighbors are using the dustbin - I was trying to toss my ex-girlfriend in there and I saw where those nice Arab folks threw Hosni Mubarak in there and those Wacky kids from Eastern Europe asked me not to consign her to the dustbin quite yet as they were saving a place for Ratko Mladic...

  5. Say what you will about the tenets of Bolshevism, but at least they understood what to do with royal families.

  6. Whatever happened to the Roomba of History?

  7. It's stuck behind the torchiere...

  8. ...will no one think of the tabloids?!

  9. Whatever happened to the Roomba of History?

    choked on cat hair

  10. "Whatever happened to the Roomba of History?"

    Ummmmmm, this...is...AWKWARD...


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