Saturday, May 21, 2011

Hiding Pays Off

The bondage scene is here where I got a fucking huge slab of meatloaf recently that kept me full for a couple of days.


  1. HA! Must be hard to stay camouflaged when you have rainbow legs.

    Stay behind that teapot, dude.

  2. Ooh, clarification. I was thinking to myself that Little McGravitas was an awfully good sport to let her dolls be subjected to such humiliation before.

  3. Little McGravitas was an awfully good sport to let her dolls be subjected to such humiliation

    Do you have a child yet?

  4. I shudder to think of the ways in which this group will express their congratulations.

  5. Probably with recipes.

    Speaking of, Subster, even as a committed lover of all things meatloaf, I was checking out Sunny's photos from Ukrainian Village and have to question the decision to eschew the sausage...

  6. "It was fantastic, except for the huge portions"

    Oh I hate that!

  7. The sausage is good. I've had it before.

  8. Nothing beats a three day meatloaf! That being said, how is the borscht?

  9. I discriminate against beets, so I don't do borscht. But for $7 the lunch deals are awesome.

  10. Beetist!

    Great. Now I want borscht.

    I shudder to think of the ways in which this group will express their congratulations.

    You mean you don't think this blog will suddenly be festooned with little blue teddy bears?

  11. omg, look at this review snippet: "It was served with sour cream"

    LOL! Does anything more need to be said?

  12. Now we see the true meaning of the nym Substance= substantial.
    Does the meatloaf have a blue crust? How and why?
    The bondage dude is being force feed pirogies.

  13. Does the meatloaf have a blue crust? How and why?

    My guess is that if they catch the blue guys their skins top it.

  14. Borscht is merely a delivery system for the sour cream.

    This has stimulated the appetite, now I have to forage. Thanks a lot.

  15. mmmm meatloaf
    and beets
    and sour cream


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