Wednesday, April 6, 2011


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A little gift for T&U:

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  1. It's very good that you have the drag n drop leeches, I have heard that those help healing.

  2. Nothing but the finest care from Substance Labs.

  3. I should really have had animated eyeballs since I started. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?

  4. I think a lot of people ask that on a pretty regular basis, Mr. McGravyteas.

  5. Other blogs have had animated eyeballs since February 2010.

    W/v = "pings".

  6. I can see the embedded stitch moving around.

  7. I mean the googly type, not the blinky type! Geez whiz, I stole THOSE ones almost immediately!

  8. Wow, that's a righteous slice, McGillicutty. Even if the stitchery is a little too clean to be field expedient, there's gotta be a helluva story behind that.

    Catch a bayonet in the grand battle of Hollyoake, just outside of that big pot field by the Vancouver airport?

    Aye, and ye should be wearin' the Wound Stripe, picked up with Her Majesty's Grenadiers in the doomed and hopeless fight to hold the bar area against repeated onslaughts against the kegs holding area.

    Or, then again, perhaps you suffered this unspeakable wound when a row broke out in the queue for the metro.

    Or something....

  9. Oh that's not mine. I'm way too big a sissy to go through that pain. Follow the links.

  10. Substance, you shave your legs? I'm not judging...just sayin.

    Thank you! Especially for not including any kind of goatse-related materials.

    Mikey, here's what it looks like on the inside. (I was thinking I only had two plates, not three). I wish I had a copies of my x-rays before the surgery, but they never gave me any. That cute little malleolar bit that looks like a shrimp was, oh, about an inch from where it was supposed to be?

    I go back to the doc soon...I will have to ask for them.

  11. I can see the embedded stitch moving around.

    Why do you hate me?

  12. Substance, you shave your legs? I'm not judging...just sayin.

    A lot of cyclists do... some say it makes "road rash" less severe when a tumble is taken.

  13. Thank you! Especially for not including any kind of goatse-related materials.

    I was going to make it jabber, but too much work at the time.

  14. "Transparency"

    I see through what you did there.

  15. The green lips look pretty good, but I shoulda made them MORE transparent.


    Hm, I never really noticed that, but then again, I have nothing to compare it to.

    Related: don't ever let me ride my bike drunk ever ever again.

  17. Mikey, here's what it looks like on the inside.

    Lookit that nice sharp bone density on the calcaneus tuberosity! Sexy!

  18. Related: don't ever let me ride my bike drunk ever ever again.

    yeah, get in the car!


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