Friday, April 15, 2011


Jonah Goldberg:
I cannot remember a more depressing week in Washington.
Born yesterday I guess.

Potential candidates for depressinger weeks:


  1. When I first read this entry, I thought you were comparing these disasters to the current crop of Republican presidential candidates. So I was trying to match them up.

    I do not read Jonah very often. Is his writing always so pretentious? I think that's a National Review thing.

  2. Jonah's writing is usually about pretending to make points while leaving enough wiggle-room to say "AHA! I DID NOT ACTUALLY SAY THAT!" Which is a good strategy as he is so reliably wrong.

    Edit applied.

  3. Part of having no shame is having no memory to recall shameful events.

    Tabula rasa in the most strict interpretation.

  4. It is indeed depressing that so many are victims of socialist trains.

  5. Jonah's writing is usually about pretending to make points while leaving enough wiggle-room to say "AHA! I DID NOT ACTUALLY SAY THAT!"

    Not to mention his "too busy, maybe a reader will comment on this" posts. Fuck, I could handle such a gig for money... I like money.


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