George Will wrote something dumb and
everyone and
their mother is
having fun with it because even without the word "socialist" in the piece he's in Glenn-Beck-chalkboard territory with the collectivist trains vs. individualist personal vehicular devices. Anyhow, LGM has indefatigable libertarian Brad Potts to
provide extra yuks:

Brad Brad Brad: those are the people who enforce the property rights!
How do you feel about deflection from substance to motivations?
ReplyDeleteI am more sympathetic to substances of course.
ReplyDeleteI too, as subtances (Small & large "s") are so often abused.
ReplyDeleteI did not know BP was a pacifist libertarian though. I s'pose in his libertarian, no-guns paradise, there's enough to go around for everyone, so no one has to fight or compete for business or shoot that guy what was lookin' at mah woman or nothin'.
did not know BP was a pacifist libertarian though.
ReplyDeleteSeveral of the folks over at the badly misnamed blog "Reason" go for the same shtick.
They're for lowering taxes, deregulation, but not wars for rich people. Thus they are only 66.67% as stupid about the problems that afflict this nation as the teatards/Republicans.
I think the lebertarians are just being the first ones to break non-war from the right because Obama has his own Brwon Person Bombing Adventure now.
ReplyDeleteI suspect that before the bombing of Libya started, most of them were pretty gung-ho on our other Adventures.
I have no clue how many conversations on here have involved me trying to convince people that I am a libertarian out of valid social and moral concern, rather than just being demented, brainwashed, selfish and/or stupid.
ReplyDeleteBless his trolly little heart for still trying.
I have no clue how many conversations on here have involved me trying to convince people that I am a libertarian out of valid social and moral concern, rather than just being demented, brainwashed, selfish and/or stupid.
ReplyDeleteWait. Are we supposed to feel sorry for him? If it's really that terrible, why doesn't he go do something more productive, like cleaning the dryer trap or masturbating?
I think Brad is wrong pretty much all the time, but I don't think he is simply trolling.
ReplyDeleteHe reminds me a lot of one of my closest friends back in my 20s. Smart, smug, and sure nothing bad will ever happen.
My friend got cancer while uninsured in his early 30s. That cured him of libertarianism. It did not, however, cure his cancer.
There is a thread where Brad goes on about how the nanny state should not force him to buy health insurance, because he does not spend much on medical care. Of course, he also treats his hypertension with weed, rather than the prescription he was given.
Brad reminds me a lot of my dead friend.
It is a measure of the terrifying impact Substance has had on his visitors that I keep expecting this to resolve into....well, you know what.
ReplyDeleteSo thanks for that.
I think Brad is wrong pretty much all the time, but I don't think he is simply trolling.
ReplyDeleteI agree. His sincerity is obvious and, if I weren't a big meanie, embarrassing.
I think Brad is wrong pretty much all the time, but I don't think he is simply trolling.
ReplyDeleteI agree. His sincerity is obvious and, if I weren't a big meanie, embarrassing.
I dunno, he keeps coming back and whinging about being misunderstood- as one of the other commenters noted, he should start his own damn whining blog.
Sometimes Brad gets snotty about the other commenters who are only good for snark and mockery, and evidently not interested in the kind of serious debate that might change people's minds.
ReplyDeleteIn one thread it was pointed out that Voltaire and Swift were also big on the mockery, almost as if they thought it was itself a good way of changing minds. Brad responded icily that they wrote satire, which is different.
I am all for continuing to mock Brad, in the hope of converting him to use his powers of humourlessness for good.
Another fine showing.
ReplyDeleteOkay, if we are going to reminisce about classic Brad Potts moments, I will always be fond of his accounting knowledge discussion. 204 comments, of which at least half were Brad digging a deep, deep hole.
ReplyDeleteApologies to Malaclypse for Blogger's spam filter.
ReplyDeleteWelcome, friend!