Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Judicial Activism

Some news:
Ontario Superior Court Justice Donald Taliano found that the marijuana program is failing to ensure that patients who need the drug can get the necessary approvals. So the St. Catharines, Ont. justice declared the "Marihuana Medical Access Regulations" invalid.

And, because the problems with the program force medical marijuana users to resort to illegal means to obtain their marijuana, Taliano also struck down two sections of the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act that prohibit possession and cultivating marijuana.
In Soviet USA, judge strikes down YOU!


  1. Hunter
    This is getting carried away. First prostitution laws now this. I never thought I would say this, but if this keeps up cops will be lining up the unemployment office as judges will decide everything that is currently illegal is against the constitution and people will be able to do whatever they want, forget about the safety of the public in general. I understand that people may need marihuana for medicinal reasons, but to legalize it is rediculous. I don't want to be out with my family and have us getting second hand smoke from anyone. My argument is that if someone is sitting beside me having a drink I don't feel the effects, but if someone beside me is smoking marihuana, I would feel it's effects. Is this not a big reason why cigarette smoking has been restricted because of the people it affects?

    What say you now, Commie McGee?

  2. My argument is that if someone is sitting beside me having a drink I don't feel the effects, but if someone beside me is smoking marihuana, I would feel it's effects.

    Only if you're a fucking lightweight.

    Odd how Amsterdam doesn't seem to have this kind of problem.

  3. Personally, I say never trust anyone who spells marijuana with an "h".

  4. if someone beside me is smoking marihuana, I would feel it's effects.


    People complaining about free highs? What's next? "My orgasm lasted too long?"

  5. Let's pretend I put the "?" in the right place.

  6. My argument is that if someone is sitting beside me having a drink I don't feel the effects, but if someone beside me is smoking marihuana, I would feel it's effects.

    Judging by his spelling and grammar, this has already happened.

  7. No, he's sitting next to a marijuana-smoker, not me.

  8. "My orgasm lasted too long?"
    I promise not to complain when sitting beside VS in the pub.

  9. What are the health effects of exposure to second-hand orgasms? The NIH should really cut me a big check to research this vital issue.

  10. ...would you buy a used orgasm from this man?

  11. Only with leftists because we make sure everyone's taken care of. Righties think making sure your partner has a good time impinges on one's own personal freedoms, and also when the undeserving receive orgasms it shrinks the orgasm pool so the deserving get fewer.

  12. I promise not to complain when sitting beside VS in the pub.

    If you are lucky enough to be seated next to me in a pub, I cannot promise you an orgasm. But I may make you laugh--possibly on purpose!

  13. the orgasm pool
    That could put people off their stroke, as it were. The Frau Doktorin likes her 50 laps a day.

  14. Someone should tell her about these.

  15. I refuse to believe in aquatic treadmills until I see cute Youtube videos of cats falling in them.

  16. I think the takeaway here is that what was seemingly a clear winner - a post about all the dope you dopey dopers dope yourself up with - would in fact have just been better off as a post about orgasms. Surely a weekly orgasm would be easy enough to STOP MAKING THAT JOKE.

  17. floating atop them with a large number of rubber duckies

    I would not risk that with Mrs Spat.

    Now holding out for the Escher-themed endless pool.

  18. Righties think making sure your partner has a good time impinges on one's own personal freedoms

    Certainly impinges on my freedom to make a kissy noise, roll over & go back to sleep.

  19. Note to self: Do not give selfish Mr. B. any of your telekinetic pub orgasms. Or tell him any of your AWESOME jokes.

  20. telekinetic pub orgasmata
    Fixed for great pedantry.


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