Sunday, March 6, 2011

Sometimes a Cigar is a Big Wang


  1. With my Smith shades on and my chair quartering away from her table I pretended not to notice her childish demonstration and then blew out a smoke cloud that darkened what was left of the setting sun. Yes, I don’t believe in being bullied to put out my legal smoke just because she finds it offensive. I’ll put out my smoke when she gets a new doo and quits lip locking Melissa Etheridge in public. Maybe.

    Such an Internet Tough Guy. Way cool.

  2. Oddly enough, not taking offense at a polite request and extinguishing his smoke to be cordial and considerate seems to be beyond them.

    Is there ANYTHING these cobags can't turn into a crucifixion?

  3. Also at Whiskey Fire: they have turned a bit of painter's tape residue at the Wisconsin Capitol into a constitutional crisis.

    For self-reliant Galtian Supermen, they sure are whiny.

  4. This guy is also put out he can't blow big o-rings right up your nose and drive his Hummer through your marigolds.

    He seriously seems nakedly contemptuous of...well, everyone.

  5. I can only assume his definition of "lesbians" is "two women having dinner together."

  6. Bouffant! One was wearing a baseball cap!

  7. I reckon this didn't happen but Giles had the Ohio paper and had wet his trousers too many times about it, not to use it. So he made this shit up.
    He sounds like the Biff guy from the first 'Back to the Future' movie.

  8. Bouffant! One was wearing a baseball cap!

    /American Taliban

  9. Sometimes a cigar is smoked by a big wang.

    There, fixed.

  10. I reckon this didn't happen but Giles had the Ohio paper and had wet his trousers too many times about it, not to use it. So he made this shit up.

    But... but... he totes thought of doing it!


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