Sunday, March 20, 2011

Also Hitler

Michelle Malkin:
A grown woman in public office who acts like Lindsay Lohan has no business comparing one of America's finest generals to Charlie Sheen. But anti-war Democratic Rep. Lynn Woolsey has never shown any restraint when it comes to trashing America's military leaders before the world. That's because being a Code Pink liberal -- like being a Hollywood brat -- means never having to apologize for your reckless words and deeds.
Who will win this battle of inappropriate celebrity comparisons? The congresswoman who compares the general of a War Until Forever to a rich and famous delusional scumbag? Or Michelle Malkin, a concentration camp advocate who compares the Code Pink-supporting congresswoman to a rich and famous delusional scumbag?


  1. -- means never having to apologize for your reckless words and deeds.

    Has Malkin ever apologized for stalking a disabled 12 year old?

  2. Why do the word "delusional" and the name "Michelle Malkin" appear together so frequently?

    Capcha says that they are maters. I could not possibly comment

  3. I say you don't have to apologize to anyone, ever, unless it is proven in a court of law that it really hurt somebody. Physically.

    Like, if I give you a raspberry (actual or literary) & your arm falls off as a direct result, I do owe you an apology. As in, "I'm really so sorry you're such a wimp. Why don't you get over it?"

  4. Another career that means "never having to apologize for your reckless words and deeds" is of course "US military leader", so the whole thing is disturbingly self-referntial.

  5. The Code Pink ladies were very nice at the anti-war rally this weekend.

  6. In what way is the seemingly nice little old lady with strong opinions like Lindsay Lohan? I mean in a way that the malevolent middle-aged lady with strong, even spittle-flecked opinions isn't?


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