Tuesday, February 8, 2011

What Need Does This Asshole Talking Fulfill?

Donald Rumsfeld can't shut his fucking mouth:
The "war on terror" prison at the US naval base in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba is "one of the finest prison systems in the world," former defense secretary Donald Rumsfeld said in an interview with Fox News on Tuesday.
Perhaps a certain president could show this somehow-not-yet-beaten-to-death-in-prison asshole what an asshole he really is, and perhaps my ass poops ice-cream.


  1. Key distinction here between "prison system" and "justice system". The US takes pride in what it does best.

  2. It stops our blood pressure from getting too low, Subby.
    Could he be persuaded to take his speech (I imagine he only has the one) to Switzerland?

  3. I vomit ice cream cones. We should go into business together!

    I wish these fuckers would just GO AWAY. It's like they're showing off the fact that they're war criminals and they got away with it.

  4. What'd be interesting is an extension of the wanted list: do the guards at Guantanamo get on the list? The lawyers? The commanders?

    It could add up to a lot of people.

  5. Would that Rummy would enjoy their fine hospitality.

  6. do the guards at Guantanamo get on the list? The lawyers? The commanders?

    I seem to recall "just following orders" didn't work so well in some other cases.

  7. I seem to recall "just following orders" didn't work so well in some other cases.

    Kevin Pollak expounds on this in that movie where Jack Nicholson says Tom Cruise can't handle the truth.

  8. Rumsfeld has a sad because people focus on the "indefinite detention" aspect of Guantanamo Bay, and the "lack of evidence of wrong-doing" aspect (not to mention the implicit admission of innocence for the majority of detainees who were quietly released after a year of two). When they could be saying that in terms of legal loopholes to avoid accountability or Red Cross inspection, it is really high standard and nowhere near as bad as Buchenwald.

    Really, why don't more people point out that the glass is half-full, instead of focussing on the blood all over it from the jagged edge where it was just used to rip someone's face open?

  9. I helped him write his memoir.

    Also, I got completely infuriated reading the AP's article on CIA accountability in the War on Terra the other day. I wish I could say it was unbelievable but it's not.


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