Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Why We Goatse

Mike Potemra:
I am very taken with his idea of the Internet as a metaphor for God; the Internet is, after all, a purely spiritual realm, using rudimentary material elements to connect souls with each other — sometimes across vast distances — in the communion of shared meaning.
Imagine a lone hand, and another lone hand, joined together by the flexibility of a gaping anus.


  1. the Internet is, after all, a purely spiritual realm

    Like the telephone.

  2. it's like he's never even used the Intertubas, just read about them.

    But I bet he is Aware of All Internet Traditions!

  3. I am happy to replace "John 3:16" with "867-5309."

  4. I think it was better when the Internet was a truck.

    I just wanted to highlight this one piece of hand-wavingly awesome rationalization:
    It is precisely because evils do exist that — we are assured — there needs to be, and is, a redemption. Tears exist, else they could not be wiped away. But how they will be wiped away is a question beyond human understanding, beyond our current ability to fathom such concepts as personality and presence.

    If God is all-powerful and all-loving, why is there suffering? So that there can be redemption*. P.S. We aren't going to explain the hows or whys of redemption - just have Faith that it is more awesome than every Christmas morning combined.

    Also too, this is why morality can only come from a Higher Power? It is a wonder why atheists aren't more pissed off.

    *Redemption is for believers only, no darkies.

  5. The Noosphere will NOT BE TELEVISED.

  6. Translated to the common english:

    Just imagine how GOOD it's gonna feel when we stop killing, maiming and raping you and your peeps!

    Won't that be a fine new day?

  7. Also, "Riddle of the Sphincter" joke.
    WV, counterintuitively, = "clamp".

  8. Or a bathroom wall.
    "Sounds of Silence" lyrics FAIL.

  9. Mairzy doats and goatse doats and liddle lamzy divey...


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