Saturday, December 4, 2010

What Makes This Funny?

Over at a Breitbart site someone watches this video:

The endorsement:
One of my favorite Saturday Night Live skits ever. I have not laughed this much in years.
What makes this funny if you're one of Breitbart's loons?


  1. Reagan Hagiographic Syndrome doesn't allow them to get it. Saturday Night Left is non-ironically revealing the truth, that St. Ronnie sure duped those libs!

  2. But that would mean that his entire cabinet was stupid idiots and I thought those guys were heroes too.

  3. Tres hombres en traje de gorilaDecember 4, 2010 at 9:27 PM

    We come in peace.

    But our patience is limited.

    You see, these suits itch...

  4. M.B. is right. They don't get it.
    They never will.

  5. Hah hah liberals, he was a criminal mastermind all along!!!

  6. I have stopped trying to figure out conservative humor. I have heard that when used as a koan, it drives the buddhist monks mad.


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