Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Father Forgive Them

Well I laughed:
St. John's Shrewsbury, built in 1858 and the last remaining building of a village that vanished decades ago, was an Anglican Church until Saturday.

Shortly before noon that day in what is now part of the municipality of Gore, St. John's was deconsecrated in a ceremony that also involved the sprinkling of holy water in its cemetery to cleanse the grounds of all traces of "the craft of Satan" or human malice.

Witches, waves of misguided ghost-hunters and self-proclaimed spiritualists, along with common vandals, have swarmed the church in recent years.
Okay, let's take a little break before the punchline.

We're back!
"This is the only church that I know of that has been brought to its knees by people ... pursuing some sort of desire for supernatural experiences," Archdeacon Edward Simonton said during the deconsecration service. "We could not protect this building."


  1. This is the only church that I know of that has been brought to its knees by people ... pursuing some sort of desire for supernatural experiences

    Which is totes different from what normally happens in churches where peoplr are brought to their knees pursuing some sort of desire for supernatural experiences.

    OMG! Weirdos have been goofing about doing weird cult shit in this abandoned church! We'd better throw on some ceremonial robes and conduct some sort of ritual to make sure the cooties don't spread.

    Incidentally: de-consecration as a method of cleanse the grounds of demonic influence? There's some sort of message hidden in there.

  2. There's some sort of message hidden in there.

    But don't give yourself awaaaaay!

  3. Shortly before noon that day in what is now part of the municipality of Gore

    I read part of the Slave Girl of Gore, but one of the nuns caught me and threw the book away.

  4. The municipality of Gore is fat.
    I think they have missed a big opportunity for a cage fight to the finish to see who gets to own the sacred ground.

    W/V is subeform...he's watching us!!!

  5. I think they have missed a big opportunity for a cage fight to the finish to see who gets to own the sacred ground.

    In its place just a demonstration of Christian weakness: they're just gonna LET Satan have it?

  6. They can blame FireDogLake, everyone else does.

  7. Not w/ a bang, but a deconsecration.

    A pet cemetery & a saint for shrews? Those Quebeckers.

    Ahem. Next time I'll actually click rather than assume.

  8. Fat chance.
    Never forget::The Gods have created positioning to conceal their true intent in each and every dyanmic we see in society.
    We truely live in The Matrix:::There is the way things look and there is the God's REAL reason for doing things.

    Employment charity:::Was W able to do his job as President?
    I suspect there are many frat-boy types who either could not or would rather not have studied nor do the work necessary so they gained this "benefit" telepathically. This could have been extended to their professional life as well::In most of these cases they don't have what it takes to do their jobs.
    I think employment charity is FAR more common than people may believe.
    Another example how they tempted people in this manner is the procurement of sexual relations.
    Consistant with The Matrix, the Gods positioned both to these people which gained their confidence. But what they don't know is this behavior actually hurts them::They were offered temptation and they fell for it. And one day, if they are to have a future, they will be punished.
    Keep raping these poor girls. You're going to end up as one in your next life.

    Capitalism is evil because of the exploitative nature, illustrated with this Situation.
    Muslims are correct:::Earning interest is evil.
    Unlike war, which is a temporary period where the citiens incurr evil due to the decisions of the leaders, capitalism by its very nature incurrs evil for those who participate into perpetuity, an "institutional" method of incurring evil for the disfavored who engage in it. Inherant in earning interest is the exploitation of others, capitalizing on assets and exploiting the workforce for profit.
    Understand the destructive nature of this element of evil we call the United States, for it spreads this cancer under the guise of "democracy" throughout the world.
    Look for other institutional evil as related to the United States because as the land of disfavor castoff rejects there will be plenty of examples.

    Examine my examples. They illustrate the God's reverse positioning used to confuse and disceive people who have made big mistakes in past lives.
    I illustrate a certain way to think. If you doubt what I teach, if this is not your time to learn please at least completely understand this way of thinking, because when your time does come it will all fall into place for you::::you will be able to refer to it and you will begin to see the God's pattern within the context of their positioning.
    Nobody is going to save you. Christianity is a lie. And only through thinking correctly will you have a real chance to begin doing the right things.

  9. Hey, I got the same nonny-nonny-no too! I'm feeling all tingly at being included.


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