Saturday, November 6, 2010

The Graceful Game

Apparently if you're a rugby player - IN AUSTRALIA YET - you can't stick your cock in a dog's mouth. This is 2010!

The offending photo. I triple-dog dare you not to click.


  1. I have a cock, and I suspect viewing the foto will damage my poor zombie brane.

  2. I'm not going to look either, as I believe blowjobs from anything with overdeveloped canine teeth cannot typically result in quality outcomes...

  3. These are Australians. The dog has been probably been de-fanged and trained.

  4. Where, then, can one stick one's willy, dog-wise? In Australia, that is, 'cause that just doesn't go on here.


    Michael Vick (Asking for a Friend)

  5. I think you might also have to factor in jaw strength. However, with training, retrievers are very good at not damaging, say, ducks, so I imagine someone out there's got a dog with some real cocksucking skills. And perhaps a rubber facemask.

  6. Y'know, I've been bird hunting a number of times. And I've observed exactly that phenomenon. And yet, at no time did it ever occur to me that therein was a path to non-human sexual satisfaction.

    Making our friend Substance even weirder than me.

    Who woulda thunk THAT, huh?

  7. Am I missing something or is that photo "liked" by various users?

  8. Not clicking, regular insanity in the USA hurts my brains too much.

  9. I totally clicked. Totally worth it, but 4Chan is still scarier.

    I love this quote: "and while it was totally out of character, I have to cop the consequences."

    Yes exactly. My very first act of spontaneity was to stick my cock in a dog's mouth too.

  10. Yeah it would be a different matter if he did it all the time.

  11. Jesus christ's tits in a mason jar, have none of these people ever even THOUGHT about a risk-reward calculation?

  12. There comes a stage when you find yourself doing it all the time, and when you're not sticking your dick in a dog's mouth then you're looking forward to the next time you'll stick your dick in a dog's mouth.

    Before that stage, no need to join the support group and sign up to the 12-Step program.

  13. Sticking one's tits in a mason jar is another activity that cries out for a cost / benefit analysis.

  14. A dingo ate his baby.

    C'mon people, it was RIGHT THERE.


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